
Member 126 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
Couldn't we just skip qhlan for one year, and all qw players go for Dreamhack?, It would be the best promo you could get... If some hundred qw players showed up at DH.. I am sure the finals and stuffs should be shown at big screen,., and alot of the 6k gamers would be interested in the game!... It would fete ROCK : ) One problem is that all qw players are so snåla, and dont want to pay the ticket.. but it is worth the money, its alot more than just LANing..! : ) Lets start a discussion  [DON'T VOTE BEFORE READING THE THREAD]!
Member 628 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Voted - no
Some of the reasons... 1. To expensive ticets 2. Average age: 13? 3. I want to be able to just go 10m to talk with ppl and stuffs like that. 4. All wont be able to get seats at the same area 5. It's DH..
Sry, but it just ain't my cup of tea
News Writer 2260 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
promotion = good everything else = no  I like the qhlan atmosphere with beers at night and some other nice shit!
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
Pro's P1. There are ~7000 players there who will watch you in awe. :p I saw one of the Q4 boots having their own big screen setup one year too which showed the games from their tournament. Was quite nice except for the game that is. P2. It's DH - which means loads of separate "events" to attend to and boots to visit and what not. It's as much an expo as a LAN nowadays, which is both good and bad i guess. It doesn't feel THAT geekish to go there now as opposed to a couple of years ago though.  P3. It's in Jönköping, Sveriges Jerusalem, and you're all welcome! \o/ Cons C1. The ~7000(?) tickets are all usually sold after just a couple of days? C2. Even if (C1) isn't entirely correct, then the places that are left are all scattered all over the LAN. C3. It's expensive. (it is!) www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Administrator 890 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I like DH too, always has, but I don't think it should replace QHlan. Mostly because we won't ge the qw-community-feel over it. C u @ dh anyways, Godis :> Join us on discord.quake.world
Member 15 posts
Registered: Aug 2007
We could hire a own monter instead and try to recrute players for the next rookie cup and also have some some small rookie 1on1 tourney.
Member 705 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
feels kinda out of reach. but sure, it sounds interesting
Member 48 posts
Registered: Feb 2007
we could invite all the DH-people to qhlan instead
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
We could hire a own monter instead and try to recrute players for the next rookie cup and also have some some small rookie 1on1 tourney. Those cost like 20,000SEK?  www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 715 posts
Registered: May 2006
I like the enthusiasm, but 20,000 SEK might be 20,000 too much for my wallet  ---Where can you see lions? Only in kenya! Come to kenya we've got lions.
Member 156 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
P3. It's in Jönköping, Sveriges Jerusalem, and you're all welcome! \o/ haha. Ake. <3 _________________________________________________________ Save a cow, crucify a christian!
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
You wouldn't think it costs that much, but from what i heard from a friend when his school was going to have a booth there, the numbers were that high really. :S www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 15 posts
Registered: Aug 2007
We could hire a own monter instead and try to recrute players for the next rookie cup and also have some some small rookie 1on1 tourney. Those cost like 20,000SEK?  Haha =) better we got some rich bastard in our community
Member 126 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
I like DH too, always has, but I don't think it should replace QHlan. Mostly because we won't ge the qw-community-feel over it. C u @ dh anyways, Godis :> Ah, ses ;D only firra tickets!
Member 370 posts
Registered: May 2006
Custom maps for the show, episodes for the pro.
Member 47 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
Reading this I just had an idea, I haven't thought it through or discussed it with concerned parties yet but I wanted to hear your thoughts. If the feedback's positive I'll look into it more and post a dedicated thread or something... anyway, here's what I thought:
We would postpone qhlan 11 to week 9 (swedish sports holidays), that way it would be 3 months instead of 1 between dh and qhlan. Perhaps that would be enough breathing room for people to want/be able to attend both.
I would talk to those in charge of dh (I have some connections there) about setting up a quakeworld part of dh or something like that, they've had vip sections previously so it might be possible. I don't think I'd be able to get you guys in for free but at least all the quakers could sit together.
Given that we'd get a fair amount of quakers to dh (enough to have at least an interesting 1on1 tournament) I'm certain I'll be able to arrange it being shown with commentators in the spectator arena, which last dh had room for around 500 ppl and was filled to capacity much of the time.
Pros: - New QHLAN date would give us access to a really nice venue, with room for ~200 in one hall and ~150 next to it (with no wall in between, just a few pillars) The smaller area have been used for a lot of lans previously (http://www.lan.nu/) - Being present at dreamhack would bring a lot of exposure to the qw community and of course the game, and might even in itself result in new quakers at qhlan... probably not a whole lot, but even just 10 or 20 new faces (who play quake) would be nice imo. - Avoids the potential problem of our search for a venue for "the usual dates" dragging out too long, delaying website etc. - We haven't tried these dates for a large lan yet, so it's possible more quakers might be able to come then usual.
Cons: - Some people might have booked vacations for week 1 allready? - Some people might go only to dreamhack, resulting in less people att qhlan? (not all too likely imo) - We haven't tried these dates for a large lan yet, so it's possible less quakers than usual would be able to attend. - Something else I haven't thought of probably.
Well, that's it for now, I'm getting tired... feedback please!
Member 27 posts
Registered: Feb 2007
What you just proposed sounds very good in my ears; I'm all for it. The exposure our game and community could get at Dreamhack and the implications it could potentially yield must be fathomed (and it would be really, really cool to attend a major mainstream LAN event as a QuakeWorld player and see our game be played and play it oneself). I would attend both Dreamhack and QH-LAN without hesitation. The sports holidays sounds like a good time to attend a LAN, as long as people aren't preoccupied elsewhere. I know I won't be, and even if I had other plans, I'd cancel them for a QH-LAN.
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I also think it sounds much more interesting if we would get our own area at Dreamhack so all Quakeworlders would be in one place. With tournament finals being shown to everyone at the LAN it would be a very nice event. I would definitely go. www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 15 posts
Registered: Aug 2007
Reading this I just had an idea, I haven't thought it through or discussed it with concerned parties yet but I wanted to hear your thoughts. If the feedback's positive I'll look into it more and post a dedicated thread or something... anyway, here's what I thought:
We would postpone qhlan 11 to week 9 (swedish sports holidays), that way it would be 3 months instead of 1 between dh and qhlan. Perhaps that would be enough breathing room for people to want/be able to attend both. I think the best date should be a normal weekend. On the week after newyearseve and on the swedish sport holidays many people go away skiing and other things. I would talk to those in charge of dh (I have some connections there) about setting up a quakeworld part of dh or something like that, they've had vip sections previously so it might be possible. I don't think I'd be able to get you guys in for free but at least all the quakers could sit together. Sorry i cant see how they gonna fix a own area for us QW players. I understand why they fix a VIP section for sponsors and progamers that attending in the big tourneys when they put much money and much media intrest around DH. Given that we'd get a fair amount of quakers to dh (enough to have at least an interesting 1on1 tournament) I'm certain I'll be able to arrange it being shown with commentators in the spectator arena, which last dh had room for around 500 ppl and was filled to capacity much of the time. If we get a 1on1 tourney with many signups we probly can get it on one of the bigscreens. Sounds hard to get a commentator for the game when those guys from ITG and TSN get payed alot for their shoutcasts, I doubt they do it for free and I dont know if i wanna listen to a shoutcaster that have no idea of the game. Think its better that some from the community will do the shoutcast.
News Writer 1267 posts
Registered: Jun 2007
well not all swedes have sports hollidays at week9, they range from week 5-10 or something? and also most quakers dont go to school anymore so they wont have vacation anyway
just my 2 cents
Member 569 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
If we get a 1on1 tourney with many signups we probly can get it on one of the bigscreens. Sounds hard to get a commentator for the game when those guys from ITG and TSN get payed alot for their shoutcasts, I doubt they do it for free and I dont know if i wanna listen to a shoutcaster that have no idea of the game. Think its better that some from the community will do the shoutcast. Im not really interested in DH. But i watched a qw game with some ITG shoutcast. Sounded very profesional and good, even thou they didnt really knew QW. Qw and q3 isnt that different really. Proffesional shoutcaster > expert knowledge if you have to chose between the two.
Administrator 890 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
I know I won't be, and even if I had other plans, I'd cancel them for a QH-LAN. talking as a true follower, I like that  . And I would, too. Join us on discord.quake.world
Member 126 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
I don't think the VIP section is the right place to aim at... But I think if we have some contacts with the DH-crew, we could maby get some seats(tables) reserved before the booking opens for the public! And if we do some research and make a page with a form to fill in, for those who know they are going for DH, so we know the amount of seats..?. If the div0-1 ppl come, i'm sure we could arrange matches(like finals) at BIG screen.... I was playing q3 4on4 tourney at dh for some years ago, and we where like 6 teams or something in the tourney, still they had finals at BIG-screen and some money to 1-2-3...!!  Cmon try to get ppl interested going for dh  Btw .... those who says DH is booring and a bad place to be, and have never been there by there own, should stop talking "shit about it", instead they should try it and then give there opinion about how good it is. IMO! ^^
Member 447 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
People would benefit from reading the thread BEFORE voting... Teamplay is nothing. Aim is everything. OBEY YOUR AIM
Member 174 posts
Registered: Nov 2006
If QHLAN date changes I'm atleast sure I can't make it EVER again if the date stays the same as Lorn was thinking about if it gets postponed. So I'm not voting for it. Special seats for qw @ dh doesn't sound bad, and that's an idea that I like. Just think it could be some promo, don't believe it can be much more as long as QHlan excists.
Member 36 posts
Registered: Mar 2006
so why dont send a few interested players with some promo stuff like a big screen and a nice qw setup...
Administrator 2059 posts
Registered: Jan 2006
so why dont send a few interested players with some promo stuff like a big screen and a nice qw setup... Because half the point in having a QW LAN at Dreamhack would also be to meet the players that you play and chat with every(?) day. If it should be worthwile, then i'd want quite a few Quakeworlders turn up.  Edit: Btw, a question i've always asked myself when looking at your avatar: Is it you, or is it Wacko Jacko at that picture? www.facebook.com/QuakeWorld
Member 38 posts
Registered: Nov 2006
hmm i have to say i dont know much about this DC lan, but tbh i dont know if i would want to sacrifice a year of nice "qhlan-feeling" to go to some other lan in the hopes of gaining 5 or 10 more qw players sure it would be nice if we would have more players and more attention during big events etc...but to me thats not worth NOT going to qhlan
Member 126 posts
Registered: Oct 2006
hmm i have to say i dont know much about this DC lan, but tbh i dont know if i would want to sacrifice a year of nice "qhlan-feeling" to go to some other lan in the hopes of gaining 5 or 10 more qw players sure it would be nice if we would have more players and more attention during big events etc...but to me thats not worth NOT going to qhlan You can go to both of em... 
Member 151 posts
Registered: Feb 2006
I'm not paying 720:- to go to a LAN. Never gonna happen. Sorry.
