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Server Talk
2007-01-30, 19:53
68 posts

May 2006
well, since i get no documentation on oztf AT ALL.. all links are broken and some ppl r missing !! lets see if u guys can help me with this:

i need to setup administration via cmd admin on oztf server to enable practice mode, but i CANT do this at all, i need the correct localinfo for that and i cant remember (since when i done my servers i used qwsv2.30+tf2.6+priority... oztf is too new for my brain !! hehe)

i would apreciate all help u guys can give me, and if u happen to have some good oztf 1.45 documentation, plz lemme know

thx again for the assist =]
2007-03-17, 03:26
6 posts

Mar 2007
I mirrored a lot of the OZTF site content here:

On the server: localinfo adminpwd foo
Then before you connect to the server in your client: setinfo adminpwd foo
After you've connected you should be able to change settings, type in your client: commands
Practice mode toggle is: practice

Edit: ~
2007-04-10, 23:54
37 posts

Mar 2006
weird. i was looking for oztf not too long ago and i sent you an email. i found what i needed and if anyone else is interested there's OzTF 1.76 Beta too.
2007-04-11, 10:13
1011 posts

Feb 2006
cool i didn't know about this beta


Oz TeamFortress © Mercury
Version Beta 1.76

HI this is a beta so expect a bug or 2 There are alot of new localinfos,
ill list them and you can try and see what they do

This beta contains Quake3 and Halflife (TFC) map and entity support.
To use this u must download FTE server and enable +pr_imitatemvdsv 1

Oztf now requires Mvdsrv or FTE server to run properly. Oztf may not
work properly in other servers as they dont have the required builtins.

q3 ents
added support for dm each/any team

cmd keep "ammo" "value'
cmd votemap
cmd votemode

grapple now sticks to players, and moves with the player it sticks too, WEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
pyro flamer doesnt die when touch objects
new status using mvdsvr, 80 variables removed
+sbar command
showstats command
showspeed command
showtouches command
Re added the voice menu's that was in a previous oztf version
The sounds will need updating because Q3f sounds suck
autotrack *
You can now prime and throw grens with the same key using the following aliases
gren1 alias
gren2 alias

Admin commands:
cmd rpickup
cmd cr_scout
cmd cr_sniper
cmd cr_soldier
cmd cr_demoman
cmd cr_medic
cmd cr_hwguy
cmd cr_pyro
cmd cr_spy
cmd cr_engineer
cmd cr_random
cmd deal
cmd kick #
cmd floodprot
cmd cr_"classname"
cmd rmdemo
cmd rmdemonum
* cmd quadmode
cmd teamname
cmd maxclients
cmd maxspectators
cmd spec_password

spec_password cmd for admins to set spectator password
votemap cmd for players to vote a new map *
crossdressing checks to disallow x-dressing (topcolor of opposing team)
FPS and Speed checker. Will kick after 3 offences
new class features see below.

Localinfos Added:
ctfmap on enable CTF gameplay on normal TF maps
dmteams 1+2+4+8 enable dm teams on specified team(s)
realdm on new dm mode
???* on makes tracking team only for observers
holdlimit on makes grenades tf 2.9 sticky on fire
conctype 0/1 toggles the different conc types old and current
grentype 0/1 toggles medic gren2 to a freeze gren
Napalm aslo becomes 1 big instant napalm
grenradius 1/2/4 1 - conc and gas will not hit players through walls
2 - detpacks will damage players through walls
4 - emp destroys live rockets and grenades
plasmaclass on Sniper becomes Technician with plasma gun
hwguytype 1/2/3 Toggles hwguy types, 1 is tf2.9 fire but not move
pyrotype 0/1 Toggles pyro from tf2.9 to current
engtype 0/1 Toggles engy to current or 1 with a new railgun
tfclassic on Toggles the above optiosn to tf2.9 settings

real_weapons on * Alters phsyics of projectiles to realistic
real_reload on Fires during reload even if clip is not full
stamina on realstic stamina to affect the player
duel on * players will join a queue like rocket arena
quadmode on * Toggles quadmode
arena on * Toggles arena mode

flag_delay seconds Sets a flag touch delay after the flag is thrown

pm_gspeedtype 0/1
pm_aspeed air speed limiter *

* please note "*" denotes not finished

bprint syntax incorrect on some occasions

radius error that has been in TF source since the beginning has now been fixed
there was a good example on bam4 ramps where u could shoot a rocket in an area,
and not recieve any radius damage.

Quad mode redone to be prematch once clan mode ends on the first
occasion. Now possible to play a quad properly, with the exception that
its not ending map atm.
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