1920x1080p with vid_conscale 3 and a charset of 384p.
Scaling and text size are perfect.
Added by: MatriX
Added date: 2024-09-13
Type: Play
Engine: ezQuake OpenGL
///                                                                                              ///
///                                                                                              ///
///                          E Z Q U A K E   C O N F I G U R A T I O N                           ///
///                                                                                              ///
///                                                                                              ///

// Matrix's config

// ezQuake 3.6.5-dev 1~9c9a095 Sep  7 2024, 14:03:52
//  ezquake.exe

//                                                                                                //
//                                       V A R I A B L E S                                        //
//                                                                                                //

//All variables (even those with default values) are listed below.
//You can use "cfg_save_unchanged 0" to save only changed variables.

//File System
fs_cache                              "1"
fs_savegame_home                      "1"

file_browser_archive_color            "230 170 0 230"
file_browser_dir_color                "170 80 0 230"
file_browser_file_color               "230 230 230 230"
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file_browser_scrollnames              "1"
file_browser_selected_color           "0 150 235 230"
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file_browser_show_size                "1"
file_browser_show_status              "1"
file_browser_show_time                "0"
file_browser_sort_archives            "0"
file_browser_sort_mode                "1"
file_browser_strip_names              "1"
menu_advanced                         "1"
menu_botmatch_gamedir                 "fbca"
menu_botmatch_mod_old                 "1"
menu_ingame                           "0"
menu_marked_bgcolor                   "20 20 20 128"
menu_marked_fade                      "4"
scr_centerMenu                        "1"
scr_cursor_alpha                      "1"
scr_cursor_iconoffset_x               "0"
scr_cursor_iconoffset_y               "0"
scr_cursor_scale                      "0.1"
scr_cursor_sensitivity                "1"
scr_scaleMenu                         "2"

//QTV Settings
qtv_adjustbuffer                      "1"
qtv_adjusthighstart                   "1"
qtv_adjustlowstart                    "0.3"
qtv_adjustmaxspeed                    "999"
qtv_adjustminspeed                    "0"
qtv_allow_pause                       "0"
qtv_api_url                           "http://qtvapi.quakeworld.nu/api/v1/servers"
qtv_buffertime                        "0.5"
qtv_chatprefix                        "$[{QTV}$] "
qtv_event_changename                  " &cFF0changed name to&r "
qtv_event_join                        " &c2F2joined&r"
qtv_event_leave                       " &cF22left&r"
qtv_gamechatprefix                    "$[{QTV>game}$] "
qtv_prebuffertime                     "0"
qtv_say_team                          "1"
qtv_skipchained                       "1"

//MultiView Demos
mvd_autoadd_items                     "0"
mvd_autohud                           "0"
mvd_autotrack                         "0"
mvd_autotrack_1on1                    "%a * %A + 50 * %W + %p + %f"
mvd_autotrack_1on1_values             "1 2 3 2 3 5 8 8 1 2 3 0 0 0"
mvd_autotrack_2on2                    "%a * %A + 50 * %W + %p + %f"
mvd_autotrack_2on2_values             "1 2 3 2 3 5 8 8 1 2 3 500 900 1000"
mvd_autotrack_4on4                    "%a * %A + 50 * %W + %p + %f"
mvd_autotrack_4on4_values             "1 2 4 2 4 6 10 10 1 2 3 500 900 1000"
mvd_autotrack_custom                  "%a * %A + 50 * %W + %p + %f"
mvd_autotrack_custom_values           "1 2 3 2 3 6 6 1 2 3 500 900 1000"
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mvd_info_setup                        "%6n %3f %10l %4a %4h %3w"
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mvd_multitrack_1                      "%f"
mvd_multitrack_1_values               "1 2 3 2 3 5 8 8 1 2 3 0 0 0"
mvd_multitrack_2                      "%W"
mvd_multitrack_2_values               "1 2 3 2 3 5 8 8 1 2 3 0 0 0"
mvd_multitrack_3                      "%h"
mvd_multitrack_3_values               "1 2 3 2 3 5 8 8 1 2 3 0 0 0"
mvd_multitrack_4                      "%A"
mvd_multitrack_4_values               "1 2 3 2 3 5 8 8 1 2 3 0 0 0"
mvd_pc_pent_1                         ""
mvd_pc_pent_2                         ""
mvd_pc_pent_3                         ""
mvd_pc_quad_1                         ""
mvd_pc_quad_2                         ""
mvd_pc_quad_3                         ""
mvd_pc_view_1                         ""
mvd_pc_view_2                         ""
mvd_pc_view_3                         ""
mvd_pc_view_4                         ""
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hud_ammo1_pos_y                       "2"
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hud_teaminfo_show_headers             "1"
hud_teaminfo_show_self                "1"
hud_teaminfo_weapon_style             "1"
hud_teamstackbar_align_x              "left"
hud_teamstackbar_align_y              "bottom"
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hud_teamstackbar_opacity              "1"
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hud_teamstackbar_pos_y                "0"
hud_teamstackbar_proportional         "0"
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hud_teamstackbar_vertical_text        "0"
hud_teamstackbar_width                "200"
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hud_tracker_order                     "9"
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hud_tracker_pos_x                     "-8"
hud_tracker_pos_y                     "10"
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hud_tracking_align_y                  "before"
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hud_tracking_format                   "%n"
hud_tracking_frame                    "0"
hud_tracking_frame_color              "0 0 0"
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hud_tracking_order                    "5475"
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hud_tracking_pos_y                    "0"
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hud_tracking_scale                    "1"
hud_tracking_show                     "1"
hud_vidlag_align_x                    "right"
hud_vidlag_align_y                    "top"
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hud_vidlag_pos_y                      "0"
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hud_vidlag_show                       "0"
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hud_weaponstats_align_x               "center"
hud_weaponstats_align_y               "bottom"
hud_weaponstats_draw                  "1"
hud_weaponstats_format                "&c990sg&r:%2 &c099ssg&r:%3 &c900rl&r:#7 &c009lg&r:%8"
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hud_weaponstats_pos_y                 "0"
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hud_weaponstats_scale                 "1"
hud_weaponstats_show                  "1"
hud_weaponstats_textalign             "center"

//Player Settings
ruleset                               "default"
gender                                ""
railcolor                             ""
b_switch                              "8"
w_switch                              "8"
bottomcolor                           "11"
topcolor                              "11"
noaim                                 "1"
msg                                   "1"
name                                  "Matrix"
mtu                                   ""
rate                                  "50000"
skin                                  ""
spectator                             ""
team                                  "neo"

//Teamplay Communications
cl_sayfilter_coloredtext              "0"
cl_sayfilter_sendboth                 "0"
cl_sv_packetsync                      "1"
tp_forceTriggers                      "0"
tp_loadlocs                           "1"
tp_msgtriggers                        "1"
tp_pointpriorities                    "0"
tp_pointtimeout                       "1"
tp_poweruptextstyle                   "0"
tp_soundtrigger                       "~"
tp_tooktimeout                        "1"
tp_triggers                           "1"
tp_weapon_order                       "78653241"

//Skin Settings
teamlock                              "0"
teamskin                              "v-azuref"
enemyskin                             "v-magentaf"
teamquadskin                          ""
enemyquadskin                         ""
teampentskin                          ""
enemypentskin                         ""
teambothskin                          ""
enemybothskin                         ""
enemybottomcolor                      "-1"
enemytopcolor                         "-1"
teambottomcolor                       "-1"
teamtopcolor                          "-1"
r_skincolormodedead                   "-1"
r_skincolormode                       "0"
r_teamskincolor                       ""
r_enemyskincolor                      ""
r_fullbrightSkins                     "1"
teamforceskins                        "0"
enemyforceskins                       "0"
cl_name_as_skin                       "0"
baseskin                              ""
noskins                               "2"

//Console Settings
cl_chatmode                           "2"
cl_savehistory                        "1"
con_clearnotify                       "1"
con_completion_changed_mark           "1"
con_completion_color_changed_mark     "f30"
con_completion_color_colon            "fff"
con_completion_color_name             "8ff"
con_completion_color_quotes_current   "ff8"
con_completion_color_quotes_default   "ff8"
con_completion_color_title            "ff3"
con_completion_color_value_current    "fff"
con_completion_color_value_default    "fff"
con_completion_format                 "2"
con_completion_padding                "2"
con_deadkey                           "1"
con_funchars_mode                     "1"
con_hide_chat_input                   "1"
con_highlight                         "2"
con_highlight_mark                    "&c0f0"
con_mm2_only                          "0"
con_notify                            "0"
con_notifylines                       "6"
con_notifytime                        "6"
con_prompt_charcode                   "93"
con_proportional                      "0"
con_shift                             "90"
con_tilde_mode                        "0"
con_timestamps                        "2"
con_wordwrap                          "1"
cvar_viewdefault                      "1"
cvar_viewhelp                         "1"
cvar_viewlatched                      "1"
gl_alphafont                          "1"
gl_charsets_min                       "0"
gl_consolefont                        "gnoffa-modern-384-extras"
in_builtinkeymap                      "0"
log_dir                               "qw/matchinfo/logs"
log_readable                          "1"
r_smoothtext                          "1"
scr_coloredText                       "1"
scr_conalpha                          "0.5"
scr_conback                           "0"
scr_conpicture                        "matrix"
scr_consize                           "0.75"
scr_conspeed                          "9999"

//Chat Settings
allow_f_cmdline                       "0"
allow_f_system                        "0"
cl_fakename                           "{&c0f0Mat&r}"
cl_fakename_suffix                    ": "
cl_floodprot                          "0"
cl_fp_messages                        "4"
cl_fp_persecond                       "4"
cl_nofake                             "2"
cl_parseFunChars                      "1"
cl_parseSay                           "1"
cl_parseWhiteText                     "1"
cl_restrictions                       "0"
ignore_flood                          "2"
ignore_flood_duration                 "4"
ignore_mode                           "0"
ignore_opponents                      "0"
ignore_qizmo_spec                     "0"
ignore_qtv                            "0"
ignore_spec                           "0"
msg_filter                            "0"
s_chat_custom                         "1"

//FPS and EyeCandy Settings
cl_backpackfilter                     "0"
cl_deadbodyFilter                     "1"
cl_fakeshaft                          "1"
cl_fakeshaft_extra_updates            "1"
cl_gibFilter                          "1"
cl_hidenails                          "0"
cl_hiderockets                        "0"
cl_independentPhysics                 "1"
cl_lerp_monsters                      "1"
cl_maxfps                             "1001"
cl_maxfps_menu                        "0"
cl_model_bobbing                      "0"
cl_muzzleflash                        "0"
cl_newlerp                            "0.1"
cl_nolerp                             "0"
cl_nolerp_on_entity                   "0"
cl_novweps                            "1"
cl_physfps                            "77"
cl_physfps_spectator                  "77"
cl_r2g                                "0"
gl_detail                             "0"
gl_powerupshells                      "1"
gl_simpleitems                        "0"
gl_simpleitems_orientation            "2"
gl_simpleitems_size                   "12"
hud_fps_min_reset_interval            "5"
hud_frametime_max_reset_interval      "2"
hud_performance_average               "1"
r_bloom                               "0"
r_bloom_alpha                         "1"
r_bloom_darken                        "3"
r_bloom_diamond_size                  "8"
r_bloom_fast_sample                   "0"
r_bloom_intensity                     "1"
r_bloom_sample_size                   "256"
r_chaticons_alpha                     "1"
r_drawdisc                            "1"
r_drawentities                        "1"
r_drawflame                           "0"
r_drawvweps                           "0"
r_drawworld                           "1"
r_explosionLight                      "0"
r_explosionLightColor                 "5"
r_explosionType                       "1"
r_flagColor                           "0"
r_fx_fog                              "0"
r_fx_fog_color_air                    "153 128 103"
r_fx_fog_color_lava                   "230 64 0"
r_fx_fog_color_slime                  "128 230 0"
r_fx_fog_color_water                  "32 64 128"
r_fx_fog_density                      "0.125"
r_fx_fog_end                          "800"
r_fx_fog_model                        "2"
r_fx_fog_sky                          "0.3"
r_fx_fog_start                        "50"
r_fx_fog_usemap                       "2"
r_grenadeTrail                        "0"
r_instagibTrail                       "1"
r_lerpframes                          "1"
r_lgbloodColor                        "208"
r_lightdecayrate                      "2"
r_lightflicker                        "0"
r_lightmap_lateupload                 "0"
r_lightmap_packbytexture              "2"
r_powerupGlow                         "2"
r_railTrail                           "3"
r_rlbloodColor_big                    "73"
r_rlbloodColor_small                  "225"
r_rocketLight                         "0"
r_rocketLightColor                    "7"
r_rocketTrail                         "7"
r_sgbloodColor                        "73"
r_shaftalpha                          "1"
r_shiftbeam                           "0"
r_telesplash                          "0"

//Particle Effects
gl_bounceparticles                    "0"
gl_clipparticles                      "0"
gl_part_blobs                         "1"
gl_part_blood                         "1"
gl_part_bubble                        "1"
gl_part_detpackexplosion_fire_color   ""
gl_part_detpackexplosion_ray_color    ""
gl_part_explosions                    "1"
gl_part_gunshots                      "1"
gl_part_inferno                       "1"
gl_part_lavasplash                    "1"
gl_part_spikes                        "0"
gl_part_telesplash                    "2"
gl_part_tracer1_color                 "0 124 0"
gl_part_tracer1_size                  "3"
gl_part_tracer1_time                  "0.3"
gl_part_tracer2_color                 "230 77 0"
gl_part_tracer2_size                  "3"
gl_part_tracer2_time                  "0.3"
gl_part_trails                        "1"
gl_particle_blobs                     "0"
gl_particle_blood                     "0"
gl_particle_blood_color               "1"
gl_particle_blood_type                "1"
gl_particle_deatheffect               "0"
gl_particle_explosions                "0"
gl_particle_fire                      "1"
gl_particle_firecolor                 ""
gl_particle_gibtrails                 "0"
gl_particle_gunshots                  "0"
gl_particle_gunshots_type             "3"
gl_particle_muzzleflash               "0"
gl_particle_shockwaves                "0"
gl_particle_shockwaves_flat           "0"
gl_particle_sparks                    "0"
gl_particle_spikes                    "0"
gl_particle_spikes_type               "3"
gl_particle_telesplash                "0"
gl_particle_trail_detail              "1"
gl_particle_trail_length              "1"
gl_particle_trail_time                "1"
gl_particle_trail_type                "1"
gl_particle_trail_width               "1"
gl_squareparticles                    "0"
r_drawparticles                       "1"
r_particles_count                     "16384"

gl_colorlights                        "1"
gl_coronas                            "0"
gl_coronas_tele                       "0"
gl_fb_bmodels                         "1"
gl_fb_models                          "1"
gl_flashblend                         "0"
gl_lighting_color                     "0"
gl_lighting_vertex                    "0"
gl_lightmode                          "0"
gl_loadlitfiles                       "1"
gl_oldlitscaling                      "0"
gl_rl_globe                           "0"
r_dynamic                             "2"
r_fullbright                          "0"
r_shadows                             "0"

//Turbulency and Sky Settings
gl_caustics                           "1"
gl_surface_lava                       "0"
gl_surface_slime                      "0"
gl_turb_effects                       "0"
gl_turb_fire                          "0"
gl_turb_trails                        "0"
gl_turbalpha                          "0.5"
gl_weather_rain                       "0"
gl_weather_rain_fast                  "0"
r_fastsky                             "0"
r_fastturb                            "0"
r_lavacolor                           "80 0 0"
r_novis                               "0"
r_skycolor                            "0"
r_skyname                             "doom"
r_slimecolor                          "10 30 10"
r_telecolor                           "0"
r_watercolor                          "5 10 15"

//Weapon View Model Settings
cl_bob                                "0"
cl_bobcycle                           "0"
cl_bobhead                            "0"
cl_bobup                              "0"
cl_filterdrawviewmodel                "0"
r_drawviewmodel                       "0.4"
r_viewmodelSize                       "0.4"
r_viewmodellastfired                  "0"
r_viewmodeloffset                     "0 2 4"
r_viewpreselgun                       "0"

//Texture Settings
gl_anisotropy                         "1"
gl_ext_texture_compression            "0"
gl_externalTextures_bmodels           "1"
gl_externalTextures_world             "1"
gl_lerpimages                         "0"
gl_luma_level                         "1"
gl_lumatextures                       "0"
gl_max_size                           "32768"
gl_miptexLevel                        "0"
gl_no24bit                            "0"
gl_picmip                             "0"
gl_playermip                          "0"
gl_scaleAlphaTextures                 "0"
gl_scaleModelSimpleTextures           "0"
gl_scaleModelTextures                 "0"
gl_scaleTurbTextures                  "1"
gl_scaleskytextures                   "1"
gl_subdivide_size                     "64"
gl_textureless                        "0"
gl_texturemode                        "gl_linear_mipmap_linear"
gl_texturemode_viewmodels             "gl_linear"
r_drawflat                            "0"
r_drawflat_mode                       "0"
r_floorcolor                          "10 10 10"
r_wallcolor                           "10 10 10"

//Config Management
cfg_backup                            "1"
cfg_legacy_exec                       "0"
cfg_save_aliases                      "1"
cfg_save_binds                        "1"
cfg_save_cmdline                      "1"
cfg_save_cmds                         "1"
cfg_save_cvars                        "1"
cfg_save_onquit                       "0"
cfg_save_sysinfo                      "0"
cfg_save_unchanged                    "1"
cfg_save_userinfo                     "2"
cfg_use_gamedir                       "1"
cfg_use_home                          "0"

//OpenGL Rendering
gl_brush_polygonoffset                "2"
gl_brush_polygonoffset_factor         "0.05"
gl_buildingsparks                     "0"
gl_clear                              "0"
gl_clearColor                         "0 0 0"
gl_cutf_tesla_effect                  "0"
gl_detpacklights                      "0"
gl_extratrails                        "0"
gl_finish                             "0"
gl_inferno_speed                      "1000"
gl_inferno_trail                      "2"
gl_lightning                          "0"
gl_lightning_color                    "120 140 230"
gl_lightning_size                     "3"
gl_lightning_sparks                   "0"
gl_lightning_sparks_size              "300"
gl_modulate                           "1"
gl_nailtrail                          "0"
gl_nailtrail_plasma                   "0"
gl_nailtrail_turb                     "0"
gl_nocolors                           "0"
gl_outline                            "0"
gl_outline_color_enemy                ""
gl_outline_color_model                "0 0 0"
gl_outline_color_team                 ""
gl_outline_color_world                "0 0 0"
gl_outline_scale_model                "0.5"
gl_outline_use_player_color           "0"
gl_outline_world_depth_threshold      "4"
gl_outline_world_normal_threshold     "0.997"
gl_smoothmodels                       "0"
gl_spec_xray                          "1"
gl_spec_xray_distance                 "1500"
gl_triplebuffer                       "0"
gl_vbo_clientmemory                   "0"
r_farclip                             "8192"

//System Settings
cl_mediaroot                          "0"
sys_disableWinKeys                    "1"
sys_disable_alt_enter                 "1"
sys_highpriority                      "0"
sys_inactivesleep                     "1"
sys_inactivesound                     "0"
sys_yieldcpu                          "1"

//Video Settings
gl_multisamples                       "0"
vid_24bit_depth                       "1"
vid_colorbits                         "0"
vid_conheight                         "0"
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vid_gammacorrection                   "0"
vid_gl_core_profile                   "0"
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vid_xpos                              "0"
vid_ypos                              "0"

//Sound Settings
bgmvolume                             "0"
cl_staticSounds                       "0"
cl_voip_capturingvol                  "0.5"
cl_voip_demorecord                    "0"
cl_voip_micamp                        "2"
cl_voip_play                          "0"
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cl_voip_showmeter                     "1"
cl_voip_showmeter_x                   "0"
cl_voip_showmeter_y                   "0"
cl_voip_vad_delay                     "0.3"
cl_voip_vad_threshhold                "15"
s_ambientfade                         "100"
s_ambientlevel                        "0"
s_audiodevice                         "0"
s_desiredsamples                      "128"
s_khz                                 "48"
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s_linearresample_stream               "0"
s_loadas8bit                          "0"
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s_mm1_volume                          "1"
s_mm2_file                            "misc/talk.wav"
s_mm2_volume                          "1"
s_nosound                             "0"
s_otherchat_file                      "misc/talk.wav"
s_otherchat_volume                    "1"
s_precache                            "1"
s_raw_volume                          "1"
s_show                                "0"
s_silent_racing                       "0"
s_spec_file                           "misc/talk.wav"
s_spec_volume                         "1"
s_swapstereo                          "0"
volume                                "0.2"

//Input - Joystick
joyadvanced                           "0"
joyadvaxisr                           "0"
joyadvaxisu                           "0"
joyadvaxisv                           "0"
joyadvaxisx                           "0"
joyadvaxisy                           "0"
joyadvaxisz                           "0"
joyflysensitivity                     "-1.0"
joyflythreshold                       "0.15"
joyforwardsensitivity                 "-1.0"
joyforwardthreshold                   "0.15"
joyindex                              "0"
joyname                               "joystick"
joypitchsensitivity                   "1.0"
joypitchthreshold                     "0.15"
joysidesensitivity                    "-1.0"
joysidethreshold                      "0.15"
joystick                              "0"
joyyawsensitivity                     "-1.0"
joyyawthreshold                       "0.15"

//Input - Keyboard
allow_scripts                         "0"
cl_anglespeedkey                      "0"
cl_backspeed                          "320"
cl_forwardspeed                       "320"
cl_iDrive                             "1"
cl_keypad                             "1"
cl_movespeedkey                       "0"
cl_pitchspeed                         "0"
cl_sidespeed                          "350"
cl_smartjump                          "1"
cl_upspeed                            "508"
cl_weaponforgetorder                  "0"
cl_weaponhide                         "0"
cl_weaponhide_axe                     "0"
cl_weaponpreselect                    "0"
cl_yawspeed                           "0"

//Input - Mouse
m_accel                               "0"
m_accel_offset                        "0"
m_accel_power                         "0"
m_accel_senscap                       "0"
m_filter                              "0"
m_forward                             "0"
m_pitch                               "-0.01"
m_side                                "0"
m_yaw                                 "0.01"

//Input - Misc
freelook                              "1"
lookspring                            "0"
lookstrafe                            "0"
sensitivity                           "11"

//Network Settings
cl_c2sImpulseBackup                   "0"
cl_c2sdupe                            "0"
cl_c2spps                             "0"
cl_chunksperframe                     "30"
cl_crypt_rcon                         "1"
cl_delay_packet_deviation             "0"
cl_delay_packet_target                "0"
cl_earlypackets                       "1"
cl_fix_mvd                            "0"
cl_nodelta                            "0"
cl_nopred                             "0"
cl_pext                               "1"
cl_pext_256packetentities             "1"
cl_pext_alpha                         "1"
cl_pext_chunkeddownloads              "1"
cl_pext_floatcoords                   "1"
cl_pext_lagteleport                   "1"
cl_pext_limits                        "1"
cl_pext_other                         "0"
cl_pext_warndemos                     "1"
cl_predict_half                       "0"
cl_predict_players                    "1"
cl_solid_players                      "1"
cl_timeout                            "60"
cl_useproxy                           "0"

//Server Browser
sb_autohide                           "1"
sb_autoupdate                         "0"
sb_findroutes                         "0"
sb_hidedead                           "1"
sb_hideempty                          "0"
sb_hidefull                           "0"
sb_hidehighping                       "1"
sb_hidenotempty                       "0"
sb_ignore_proxy                       ""
sb_info_filter                        "-*version=qtv*"
sb_inforetries                        "1"
sb_infospersec                        "200"
sb_infotimeout                        "400"
sb_listcache                          "1"
sb_liveupdate                         "1"
sb_mastercache                        "1"
sb_masterretries                      "3"
sb_mastertimeout                      "1000"
sb_nosockraw                          "0"
sb_pinglimit                          "170"
sb_pings                              "1"
sb_pingspersec                        "200"
sb_pingtimeout                        "400"
sb_proxinfopersec                     "10"
sb_proxretries                        "3"
sb_proxtimeout                        "1000"
sb_showaddress                        "0"
sb_showfraglimit                      "0"
sb_showgamedir                        "0"
sb_showmap                            "1"
sb_showping                           "1"
sb_showplayers                        "1"
sb_showproxies                        "0"
sb_showtimelimit                      "0"
sb_sortplayers                        "9"
sb_sortservers                        "3"
sb_sortsources                        "-3"
sb_sourcevalidity                     "0"
sb_status                             "1"

//Status Bar and Scoreboard
cl_hudswap                            "0"
cl_loadFragfiles                      "1"
cl_parseFrags                         "1"
cl_sbar                               "0"
cl_useimagesinfraglog                 "1"
con_fragmessages                      "0"
r_damagestats                         "0"
scr_centerSbar                        "1"
scr_compactHud                        "0"
scr_compactHudAlign                   "0"
scr_drawHFrags                        "3"
scr_drawVFrags                        "1"
scr_newhud                            "1"
scr_sbar_drawammo                     "1"
scr_sbar_drawammocounts               "1"
scr_sbar_drawammoicon                 "1"
scr_sbar_drawarmor                    "1"
scr_sbar_drawarmor666                 "1"
scr_sbar_drawarmoricon                "1"
scr_sbar_drawfaceicon                 "1"
scr_sbar_drawguns                     "1"
scr_sbar_drawhealth                   "1"
scr_sbar_drawitems                    "1"
scr_sbar_drawsigils                   "1"
scr_sbar_lowammo                      "5"
scr_scoreboard_afk                    "1"
scr_scoreboard_afk_style              "2"
scr_scoreboard_borderless             "0"
scr_scoreboard_centered               "1"
scr_scoreboard_drawtitle              "0"
scr_scoreboard_fadescreen             "0"
scr_scoreboard_fillalpha              "0"
scr_scoreboard_fillcolored            "3"
scr_scoreboard_forcecolors            "1"
scr_scoreboard_login_color            "230 230 192"
scr_scoreboard_login_flagfile         "flags"
scr_scoreboard_login_indicator        "&cffc*&r"
scr_scoreboard_login_names            "1"
scr_scoreboard_posx                   "0"
scr_scoreboard_posy                   "10"
scr_scoreboard_proportional           "0"
scr_scoreboard_showflagstats          "0"
scr_scoreboard_showfrags              "1"
scr_scoreboard_spectator_name         "spec"
scr_scoreboard_teamsort               "1"
scr_scoreboard_wipeout                "1"

//Crosshair Settings
cl_crossx                             "0"
cl_crossy                             "0"
crosshair                             "3"
crosshairalpha                        "1"
crosshaircolor                        "255 255 0"
crosshairimage                        ""
crosshairscale                        "0"
crosshairscalemethod                  "0"
crosshairsize                         "0.6"
r_smoothcrosshair                     "1"

//Screen Settings
cl_confirmquit                        "0"
cl_hud                                "1"
cl_multiview                          "0"
cl_mvdisplayhud                       "1"
cl_mvhudflip                          "0"
cl_mvhudpos                           "bottom center"
cl_mvhudvertical                      "0"
cl_mvinset                            "0"
cl_mvinset_offset_x                   "0"
cl_mvinset_offset_y                   "0"
cl_mvinset_right                      "1"
cl_mvinset_size_x                     "0.333"
cl_mvinset_size_y                     "0.333"
cl_mvinset_top                        "1"
cl_mvinsetcrosshair                   "1"
cl_mvinsethud                         "1"
cl_onload                             "sb_refresh info;echo Refreshing servers info, wait 2 seconds."
cl_shownet                            "0"
cl_verify_qwprotocol                  "2"
cl_window_caption                     "1"
demo_playlist_loop                    "0"
demo_playlist_track_name              ""
gl_contrast                           "1"
gl_gamma                              "0.7"
r_drawhud                             "1"
r_netgraph                            "0"
r_netstats                            "0"
r_smoothalphahack                     "0"
r_smoothimages                        "1"
r_tracker                             "0"
r_tracker_align_right                 "0"
r_tracker_color_bad                   "900"
r_tracker_color_fragonme              "900"
r_tracker_color_good                  "090"
r_tracker_color_myfrag                "090"
r_tracker_color_suicide               "900"
r_tracker_color_tkbad                 "009"
r_tracker_color_tkgood                "990"
r_tracker_colorfix                    "1"
r_tracker_flags                       "1"
r_tracker_frags                       "2"
r_tracker_frame_color                 "0 0 0 0"
r_tracker_images_scale                "1"
r_tracker_inconsole                   "0"
r_tracker_inconsole_colored_weapon    "0"
r_tracker_messages                    "6"
r_tracker_name_width                  "0"
r_tracker_own_frag_prefix             "You fragged "
r_tracker_pickups                     "0"
r_tracker_positive_enemy_suicide      "0"
r_tracker_positive_enemy_vs_enemy     "0"
r_tracker_proportional                "0"
r_tracker_scale                       "1"
r_tracker_streaks                     "0"
r_tracker_string_died                 " (died)"
r_tracker_string_enemy                "enemy"
r_tracker_string_inconsole_prefix     ""
r_tracker_string_suicides             " (suicides)"
r_tracker_string_teammate             "teammate"
r_tracker_time                        "6"
r_tracker_x                           "0"
r_tracker_y                           "0"
scr_centershift                       "0"
scr_centerspeed                       "8"
scr_centertime                        "2"
scr_coloredfrags                      "0"
scr_damage_floating                   "0"
scr_damage_hitbeep                    "0"
scr_damage_offset_ingame              "14"
scr_damage_offset_spectator           "28"
scr_damage_proportional               "0"
scr_damage_scale                      "1"
scr_menualpha                         "0"
scr_menudrawhud                       "0"
scr_notifyalways                      "0"
scr_qtvbuffer                         "0"
scr_qtvbuffer_x                       "0"
scr_qtvbuffer_y                       "-10"
scr_showcrosshair                     "1"
scr_shownick_frame_color              "10 0 0 120"
scr_shownick_name_width               "6"
scr_shownick_order                    "%p%n %a/%H %w"
scr_shownick_proportional             "0"
scr_shownick_scale                    "1"
scr_shownick_show_ammo                "0"
scr_shownick_time                     "0.8"
scr_shownick_x                        "0"
scr_shownick_y                        "0"
scr_spectatorMessage                  "1"
scr_teaminfo                          "0"
scr_teaminfo_align_right              "1"
scr_teaminfo_armor_style              "3"
scr_teaminfo_flag_style               "1"
scr_teaminfo_frame_color              "0 0 0 40"
scr_teaminfo_loc_width                "5"
scr_teaminfo_low_health               "25"
scr_teaminfo_name_width               "3"
scr_teaminfo_order                    "%p%n  %l  %a/%h %w"
scr_teaminfo_powerup_style            "1"
scr_teaminfo_proportional             "0"
scr_teaminfo_scale                    "1"
scr_teaminfo_show_ammo                "0"
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scr_teaminfo_show_self                "2"
scr_teaminfo_weapon_style             "1"
scr_teaminfo_x                        "0"
scr_teaminfo_y                        "0"
scr_tracking                          "%n"
show_fps                              "0"
show_fps_x                            "-5"
show_fps_y                            "-1"
show_speed                            "0"
show_speed_x                          "-1"
show_speed_y                          "1"
show_velocity_3d                      "0"
show_velocity_3d_offset_down          "5"
show_velocity_3d_offset_forward       "2.5"
showdrop                              "0"
showpackets                           "0"
showpause                             "1"
showturtle                            "0"

//Screen & Powerup Blends
cl_bonusflash                         "0"
cl_demoplay_flash                     "1"
gl_cshiftpercent                      "100"
gl_custom_grenade_color               "0 230 0"
gl_custom_grenade_fullbright          "1"
gl_custom_grenade_tf                  "1"
gl_custom_lg_color                    ""
gl_custom_lg_fullbright               "1"
gl_custom_lgpack_color                "64 64 230"
gl_custom_rlpack_color                "230 64 64"
gl_custom_rocket_color                "0 230 0"
gl_custom_rocket_fullbright           "1"
gl_custom_spike_color                 ""
gl_custom_spike_fullbright            "1"
gl_hwblend                            "1"
gl_polyblend                          "0"
gl_powerupshells_base1level           "0.1"
gl_powerupshells_base2level           "0.1"
gl_powerupshells_effect1level         "1"
gl_powerupshells_effect2level         "0"
gl_shaftlight                         "0"
r_lerpmuzzlehack                      "1"
v_contentblend                        "0"
v_damagecshift                        "0"
v_dlightcolor                         "1"
v_dlightcshift                        "1"
v_dlightcshiftpercent                 "100"
v_pentcshift                          "1"
v_quadcshift                          "1"
v_ringcshift                          "1"
v_suitcshift                          "1"
vid_hwgamma_fps                       "1"

//View Settings
cl_rollalpha                          "0"
cl_rollangle                          "0"
cl_rollspeed                          "200"
default_fov                           "110"
fov                                   "110"
r_nearclip                            "2"
scr_fovmode                           "0"
v_centermove                          "0"
v_centerspeed                         "0"
v_gunkick                             "0"
v_idlescale                           "0"
v_ipitch_cycle                        "0"
v_ipitch_level                        "0"
v_iroll_cycle                         "0"
v_iroll_level                         "0"
v_iyaw_cycle                          "0"
v_iyaw_level                          "0"
v_kickpitch                           "0"
v_kickroll                            "0"
v_kicktime                            "0"
v_viewheight                          "-6"
viewsize                              "100"

//Match Tools
match_auto_logconsole                 "0"
match_auto_logupload                  "0"
match_auto_logupload_token            ""
match_auto_logurl                     "http://stats.quakeworld.nu/logupload"
match_auto_minlength                  "90"
match_auto_record                     "0"
match_auto_spectating                 "0"
match_auto_sshot                      "0"
match_auto_unminimize                 "1"
match_challenge                       "0"
match_challenge_url                   "http://stats.quakeworld.nu/post-challenge"
match_format_2on2                     "2on2/%M/%y-%m-%d_%b_[%M]"
match_format_3on3                     "3on3/%y-%m-%d_%b_[%M]"
match_format_4on4                     "4on4/%y-%m-%d_%b_[%M]"
match_format_arena                    "arena/%y-%m-%d_%p(%C)_[%M]"
match_format_coop                     "solo/%y-%m-%d_%k"
match_format_duel                     "1on1/%M/%y-%m-%d_%p_vs_%e_[%M]"
match_format_ffa                      "ffa/%M/%y-%m-%d_%p(%C)_[%M]"
match_format_multiteam                "tdm/%n - [%a_%b] - [%M]"
match_format_race                     "race/%y-%m-%d_%p(%C)_[%M]"
match_format_solo                     "solo/%y-%m-%d_%p"
match_format_tdm                      "tdm/%y-%m-%d_(%a)_%b_[%M]"
match_format_tf_clanwar               "tf_clanwar/%y-%m-%d_(%a)_%b_[%M]"
match_format_tf_duel                  "tf_duel/%y-%m-%d_%t_vs_%e_[%M]"
match_ladder_id                       "1"
match_name_and                        "_&_"
match_name_nick                       ""
match_name_on                         "off"
match_name_spec                       "(SPEC)"
match_name_versus                     "_vs_"

//Demo Handling
cl_demoPingInterval                   "5"
cl_demo_qwd_delta                     "1"
cl_demospeed                          "1"
cl_demoteamplay                       "0"
cl_startupdemo                        ""
demo_autotrack                        "0"
demo_benchmarkdumps                   "0"
demo_capture_background_threads       "0"
demo_capture_codec                    "0"
demo_capture_dir                      "qw/capture"
demo_capture_fps                      "60.0"
demo_capture_mp3                      "0"
demo_capture_mp3_kbps                 "128"
demo_capture_steadycam                "0"
demo_capture_vid_maxlen               "0"
demo_dir                              "qw/matchinfo/demos"
demo_format                           "qwd"
demo_getpings                         "1"
demo_jump_rewind                      "-5"
demo_jump_skip_messages               "1"
qizmo_dir                             "qw/qizmo"
qwdtools_dir                          "qw/qwdtools"

//Screenshot Settings
image_jpeg_quality_level              "95"
image_png_compression_level           "9"
scr_allowsnap                         "0"
sshot_autoname                        "0"
sshot_dir                             "qw/matchinfo/screenshots"
sshot_format                          "jpg"

//Spectator Tracking
cam_dist                              "100"
cam_lockdir                           "0"
cam_lockpos                           "0"
cam_thirdperson                       "0"
cam_zoomaccel                         "2000"
cam_zoomspeed                         "300"
cl_camera_death                       "0"
cl_camera_tpp                         "0"
cl_camera_tpp_distance                "-56"
cl_camera_tpp_height                  "24"
cl_chasecam                           "1"
cl_hightrack                          "0"

//Item Names
tp_name_axe                           "axe"
tp_name_sg                            "sg"
tp_name_ssg                           "ssg"
tp_name_ng                            "ng"
tp_name_sng                           "sng"
tp_name_gl                            "gl"
tp_name_rlg                           "{&cf13rl&cfff}{&c2aag&cfff}"
tp_name_rl                            "{&cf13rl&cfff}"
tp_name_lg                            "{&c2aalg&cfff}"
tp_name_ga                            "{&c0b0ga&cfff}"
tp_name_ya                            "{&cff0ya&cfff}"
tp_name_ra                            "{&cf00ra&cfff}"
tp_name_armortype_ga                  "{&c0b0g&cfff}"
tp_name_armortype_ya                  "{&cff0y&cfff}"
tp_name_armortype_ra                  "{&cf00r&cfff}"
tp_name_shells                        "shells"
tp_name_nails                         "nails"
tp_name_rockets                       "rox"
tp_name_cells                         "cells"
tp_name_quad                          "{&c00FQUAD&cfff}"
tp_name_pent                          "{pent}"
tp_name_ring                          "{ring}"
tp_name_suit                          "suit"
tp_name_mh                            "{&cf0fmega&cfff}"
tp_name_health                        "health"
tp_name_armor                         "armor"
tp_name_weapon                        "rl"
tp_name_backpack                      "{&cf2apack&cfff}"
tp_name_flag                          "{flag}"
tp_name_filter                        ""
tp_name_sentry                        "sentry"
tp_name_disp                          "dispenser"
tp_name_teammate                      ""
tp_name_enemy                         "{enemy}"
tp_name_eyes                          "{eyes}"
tp_name_quaded                        "{quaded}"
tp_name_pented                        "{pented}"
tp_name_status_white                  "$W"
tp_name_status_green                  "$G"
tp_name_status_yellow                 "$Y"
tp_name_status_red                    "$R"
tp_name_status_blue                   "$B"
tp_name_rune4                         "regeneration rune"
tp_name_rune3                         "haste rune"
tp_name_rune2                         "strength rune"
tp_name_rune1                         "resistance rune"
tp_name_someplace                     "someplace"
tp_name_at                            " $d "
tp_name_nothing                       "nothing"
tp_name_none                          ""
tp_name_separator                     "/"

//Item Need Amounts
tp_need_rl                            "1"
tp_need_weapon                        "687"
tp_need_ga                            "0"
tp_need_ya                            "40"
tp_need_ra                            "40"
tp_need_shells                        "0"
tp_need_nails                         "0"
tp_need_rockets                       "3"
tp_need_cells                         "0"
tp_need_health                        "40"

//Unsorted Variables
allow_download                        "1"
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allow_download_models                 "0"
allow_download_other                  "0"
allow_download_pakmaps                "0"
allow_download_skins                  "0"
allow_download_sounds                 "0"
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cl_clock_format                       "0"
cl_clock_x                            "0"
cl_clock_y                            "-1"
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cl_debug_antilag_ghost                "0"
cl_debug_antilag_lines                "0"
cl_debug_antilag_self                 "0"
cl_debug_antilag_send                 "0"
cl_debug_antilag_view                 "0"
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cl_democlock_x                        "0"
cl_democlock_y                        "-0.01"
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cl_gameclock_x                        "22.4"
cl_gameclock_y                        "31.3"
cl_net_clientport                     "27001"
cl_textencoding                       "0"
cl_username                           ""
cl_warnexec                           "1"
coop                                  "0"
deathmatch                            "3"
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extralogname                          "unset"
filterban                             "1"
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font_gradient_normal_percent          "0.2"
font_gradient_number_color1           "230 230 150"
font_gradient_number_color2           "218 132 7"
font_gradient_number_percent          "0.2"
font_outline_width                    "2"
frag_log_type                         "0"
fraglimit                             "50"
gl_part_cache                         "1"
gl_particle_fulldetail                "0"
hostname                              "Matrix localhost"
in_grab_windowed_mouse                "1"
in_ignore_touch_events                "1"
in_raw                                "1"
in_release_mouse_modes                "0"
maxclients                            "1"
maxfps                                "77"
maxspectators                         ""
maxvip_spectators                     "0"
net_tcp_timeout                       "2000"
pausable                              "1"
pm_airstep                            "1"
pm_bunnyspeedcap                      ""
pm_ktjump                             "1"
pm_rampjump                           ""
pm_slidefix                           ""
qconsole_log_say                      "0"
qtv_maxstreams                        "1"
qtv_password                          ""
qtv_pendingtimeout                    "5"
qtv_sayenabled                        "0"
qtv_streamport                        "0"
qtv_streamtimeout                     "45"
qwm_builddate                         ""
qwm_buildnum                          ""
qwm_fullname                          ""
qwm_homepage                          ""
qwm_name                              ""
qwm_platform                          ""
qwm_version                           ""
samelevel                             "8393473"
scr_autoid                            "2"
scr_autoid_armorbar_green_armor       "25 170 0 230"
scr_autoid_armorbar_red_armor         "230 0 0 230"
scr_autoid_armorbar_yellow_armor      "230 220 0 230"
scr_autoid_barlength                  "16"
scr_autoid_healthbar_bg_color         "180 115 115 100"
scr_autoid_healthbar_mega_color       "230 0 0 230"
scr_autoid_healthbar_normal_color     "80 0 0 230"
scr_autoid_healthbar_two_mega_color   "230 100 0 230"
scr_autoid_healthbar_unnatural_color  "230 230 230 230"
scr_autoid_namelength                 "0"
scr_autoid_proportional               "0"
scr_autoid_scale                      "1"
scr_autoid_weaponicon                 "1"
scr_autoid_weapons                    "2"
skill                                 "1"
spectator_password                    ""
sv_accelerate                         "10"
sv_admininfo                          ""
sv_airaccelerate                      "10"
sv_allowlastscores                    "1"
sv_antilag                            ""
sv_antilag_no_pred                    ""
sv_antilag_projectiles                ""
sv_bigcoords                          "1"
sv_cheats                             "0"
sv_crypt_rcon                         "1"
sv_debug_antilag                      "0"
sv_debug_usercmd                      "0"
sv_debug_weapons                      "0"
sv_default_name                       "unnamed"
sv_demoClearOld                       "0"
sv_demoDir                            "demos"
sv_demoDirAlt                         ""
sv_demoExtraNames                     "0"
sv_demoIdlefps                        "10"
sv_demoMaxDirSize                     "102400"
sv_demoMaxSize                        "20480"
sv_demoPrefix                         ""
sv_demoRegexp                         "\.mvd(\.(gz|bz2|rar|zip))?$"
sv_demoSuffix                         ""
sv_demoUseCache                       "0"
sv_demofps                            "30"
sv_demopings                          "3"
sv_demotxt                            "1"
sv_downloadchunksperframe             "2"
sv_enable_cmd_minping                 "1"
sv_extlimits                          "2"
sv_forcenick                          "0"
sv_forcenqprogs                       "0"
sv_forcespec_onfull                   "2"
sv_friction                           "4"
sv_getrealip                          "1"
sv_gravity                            "800"
sv_hashpasswords                      "1"
sv_kicktop                            "1"
sv_kickuserinfospamcount              "300"
sv_kickuserinfospamtime               "3"
sv_loadentfiles                       "0"
sv_loadentfiles_dir                   ""
sv_logdir                             "."
sv_login                              "0"
sv_mapcheck                           "1"
sv_maxdownloadrate                    "0"
sv_maxlogsize                         "0"
sv_maxping                            "0"
sv_maxpitch                           "80"
sv_maxrate                            "0"
sv_maxspeed                           "320"
sv_maxtic                             "0.1"
sv_maxuploadsize                      "1048576"
sv_maxvelocity                        "2000"
sv_minping                            "0"
sv_minpitch                           "-70"
sv_mintic                             "0.013"
sv_mod_msg_file                       ""
sv_nailhack                           "1"
sv_onDemoRemove                       ""
sv_onRecordFinish                     ""
sv_phs                                "1"
sv_pr2references                      "0"
sv_progsname                          "qwprogs"
sv_progtype                           "0"
sv_rconlim                            "10"
sv_reconnectlimit                     "0"
sv_registrationinfo                   ""
sv_reliable_sound                     "0"
sv_sayteam_to_spec                    "1"
sv_serverip                           ""
sv_silentrecord                       "0"
sv_specprint                          "0"
sv_spectalk                           "1"
sv_spectatormaxspeed                  "500"
sv_speedcheck                         "1"
sv_stopspeed                          "100"
sv_timestamplen                       "60"
sv_unfake                             "1"
sv_use_dns                            "0"
sv_voip                               "1"
sv_voip_echo                          "0"
sv_voip_record                        "0"
sv_wateraccelerate                    "10"
sv_waterfriction                      "4"
sys_restart_on_error                  "0"
sys_select_timeout                    "10000"
sys_update_check                      "0"
teamplay                              ""
telnet_log_level                      "0"
timelimit                             "10"
timeout                               "65"
vip_password                          ""
vip_values                            ""
vm_rtChecks                           "1"
watervis                              ""
zombietime                            "2"

//User Created Variables
set _console                         "1"
set _matchend                        "0"

//                                                                                                //
//                                S E L E C T E D   S O U R C E S                                 //
//                                                                                                //

sb_sourcemark "QuakeWorld.nu"

//                                                                                                //
//                                         A L I A S E S                                          //
//                                                                                                //

alias _benchmark       "volume 0;hud_fps_style 0;gl_spec_xray 0;timedemo2 benchmark/2on2-dm2 77"
alias _configplay      "cl_maxfps 1001;gl_max_size 32768;gl_nailtrail 0;gl_part_spikes 0;gl_outline 0;gl_anisotropy 1;r_drawflame 0;r_telesplash 0"
alias _configstream    "cl_maxfps 770;gl_max_size 32768;gl_nailtrail 1;gl_part_spikes 1;gl_outline 1;gl_anisotropy 16;r_drawflame 1;r_telesplash 1"
alias _consolecheck    "if ('$matchstatus' != 'disconnected') then _consoletoggle"
alias _consoletoggle   "toggleconsole;toggle _console"
alias _fwweapchgoff    "alias f_weaponchange $qt$qt;r_drawviewmodel 0"
alias _fwweapchgon     "exec cfg/fweapchg"
alias _lastip          "cl_proxyaddr $qt$qt;connect $lastip"
alias _newmap          "if ($_console = 1 AND $_matchend != 1) then _consoletoggle else set _matchend 0"
alias _port1           "disconnect;cl_net_clientport 27001;cl_proxyaddr $qt$qt"
alias _port2           "disconnect;cl_net_clientport 28502;cl_proxyaddr $qt$qt"
alias _port3           "disconnect;cl_net_clientport 28503;cl_proxyaddr $qt$qt"
alias _vm1             "r_drawviewmodel 0.4;r_viewmodelsize 0.4"
alias _vm2             "r_drawviewmodel 0.5;r_viewmodelsize 0.6"
alias _vm3             "r_drawviewmodel 0.5;r_viewmodelsize 0.7"
alias _vm4             "r_drawviewmodel 0.5;r_viewmodelsize 0.5"
alias _vm5             "r_drawviewmodel 0.4;r_viewmodelsize 0.2"
alias _vm6             "r_drawviewmodel 0.5;r_viewmodelsize 0.5"
alias _vm7             "r_drawviewmodel 0.4;r_viewmodelsize 0.4"
alias _vm8             "r_drawviewmodel 0.6;r_viewmodelsize 0.4"
alias f_weaponchange   "if $weaponnum = 1 then _vm1;if $weaponnum = 2 then _vm2;if $weaponnum = 3 then _vm3;if $weaponnum = 4 then _vm4;if $weaponnum = 5 then _vm5;if $weaponnum = 6 then _vm6;if $weaponnum = 7 then _vm7;if $weaponnum = 8 then _vm8"
alias infoset          "cmd info ev 13"
alias on_connect       ""
alias on_enter         "show ping;_newmap"
alias on_enter_ffa     "show ping;_newmap"
alias on_matchend      "set _matchend 1"
alias on_matchstart    "hide ping"
alias on_spec_enter    "hide ping;_newmap"
alias sinfoset         "cmd info ev 13"

//                                                                                                //
//                                       Q W 2 6 2   H U D                                        //
//                                                                                                //

//                                                                                                //
//                               T E A M P L A Y   C O M M A N D S                                //
//                                                                                                //

tp_pickup    powerups weapons armor mh 
tp_took      powerups weapons armor mh 
tp_point     powerups weapons armor mh pack enemy 

filter       clear

//                                                                                                //
//                          M I S C E L L A N E O U S   C O M M A N D S                           //
//                                                                                                //

mapgroup clear

skygroup purple_chaos katla aztek 

floodprot 9 9 1


//                                                                                                //
//                                   P L U S   C O M M A N D S                                    //
//                                                                                                //


//                                                                                                //
//                                    K E Y   B I N D I N G S                                     //
//                                                                                                //

bind  TAB           "+showteamscores"
bind  ENTER         ""
bind  SPACE         ""
bind  '             "say_team {&c0FFwaiting&r} $[{$location}$]"
bind  ,             "say_team (low) {&cF0FMEGA&r} in {5}"
bind  -             "if $volume != 0.05 then inc volume -0.025;echo Volume $volume"
bind  .             "say_team {&cFF0YA&r} in {5}"
bind  /             "say_team {&cF00RA&r} in {5}"
bind  0             ""
bind  1             ""
bind  2             ""
bind  3             ""
bind  4             ""
bind  5             ""
bind  6             ""
bind  7             ""
bind  8             ""
bind  9             ""
bind  ";"           "+moveright"
bind  =             "if $volume != 0.7 then inc volume 0.025;echo Volume $volume"
bind  [             "say_team {&c0FFcomming&r} $[{$location}$]"
bind  \             "tp_msgquaddead"
bind  ]             "tp_msgenemypwr"
bind  `             "_consolecheck"
bind  a             "dm4"
bind  b             "dmm4zap"
bind  c             "bravado"
bind  d             "shifter"
bind  e             "tron"
bind  f             "aztek"
bind  g             "amphi"
bind  h             "+fire 3 2 1"
bind  i             "say_team {&c0FFneed&r} {$need}"
bind  j             "+fire 2 1"
bind  k             "+moveleft"
bind  l             "say_team {&c0F0safe&r} $[{$location}$]"
bind  m             "say_team {&cF0FMEGA&r} in {5}"
bind  n             "say_team {&c00FQUAD&r} in {5}"
bind  o             "+forward"
bind  p             "tp_msgpoint"
bind  q             "dm6"
bind  r             "phantombase"
bind  s             "ztndm3"
bind  t             "pit2"
bind  u             "say_team {&c0FFU take&r} "
bind  v             "katla"
bind  w             "skull"
bind  x             "aerowalk"
bind  y             "tp_msgreport"
bind  z             "dm2"
bind  BACKSPACE     ""
bind  CAPSLOCK      "echo ***CAPSLOCK***"
bind  PRINTSCR      "screenshot"
bind  SCRLCK        "pause"
bind  PAUSE         "windows"
bind  UPARROW       ""
bind  DOWNARROW     ""
bind  LEFTARROW     ""
bind  RIGHTARROW    ""
bind  ALT           ""
bind  RCTRL         "say_team {&cFF0help&r} $[{$location}$]"
bind  RSHIFT        "say_team (low) {&cF00RA&r} in {5}"
bind  F1            "toggleready"
bind  F2            "togglespec"
bind  F3            "if ('$matchstatus' != 'disconnected') then _lastip else connect localhost:28501"
bind  F4            "_p1;connect clanrot.org:28501"
bind  F5            "_p1;connect fr.dm6.uk:28501"
bind  F6            "_p1;connect dm6.uk:28502"
bind  F7            "_p1;connect nl.quake.world:28503"
bind  F8            "_p3;connect de.quake.world:28503"
bind  F9            "_p1;connect pl.dm6.uk:28501"
bind  F10           "_p1;connect qw.0f.se:28504 "
bind  F11           "_p1;cl_proxyaddr;connect qw.bpx.com.br:28502"
bind  F12           "_p1;connect ny.quake.world:28502"
bind  INS           "botcmd enable"
bind  DEL           "botcmd disable"
bind  PGDN          "botcmd addbot 10;ready"
bind  PGUP          "botcmd addbot 11;ready"
bind  HOME          "1on1;droppack;timedown1"
bind  END           "botcmd removebot"
bind  WINKEY        ""
bind  POPUPMENU     "+back"
bind  ISO           "agree"
bind  NUMLOCK       "echo ***NUMLOCK***"
bind  KP_SLASH      ""
bind  KP_STAR       ""
bind  KP_HOME       ""
bind  KP_UPARROW    ""
bind  KP_PGUP       ""
bind  KP_MINUS      ""
bind  KP_LEFTARROW  ""
bind  KP_5          ""
bind  KP_PLUS       ""
bind  KP_END        ""
bind  KP_DOWNARROW  ""
bind  KP_PGDN       ""
bind  KP_INS        ""
bind  KP_DEL        ""
bind  KP_ENTER      ""
bind  MOUSE1        "+attack"
bind  MOUSE2        "+jump"
bind  MOUSE3        "+fire 6 5 3 2 4 1"
bind  MOUSE4        "r_viewmodelsize 0.2;weapon 5"
bind  MOUSE5        "demomark;say Bullet Time!"
bind  MWHEELUP      "r_viewmodelsize 0.4;weapon 7"
bind  MWHEELDOWN    "r_viewmodelsize 0.4;weapon 8"
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