This is my config that i use when i /race
Added by: RuSS
Added date: 2020-12-26
Type: Play
Engine: ezQuake OpenGL
///                                                                                              ///
///                                                                                              ///
///                          E Z Q U A K E   C O N F I G U R A T I O N                           ///
///                                                                                              ///
///                                                                                              ///

// RuSS's config

// ezQuake 3.2.2 r5267~f3ed6b51 Sep 22 2020, 19:41:52
//  ezquake.exe+cfg_loadmyrace1

//                                                                                                //
//                                       V A R I A B L E S                                        //
//                                                                                                //

//Only variables with non-default values are listed below.
//You can use "cfg_save_unchanged 1" to save all variables.

menu_advanced                         "1"

//MultiView Demos
mvd_info_setup                        "%6n %3f %10l %4a %4h %3w"

hud_ammo1_align                       "center"
hud_ammo1_align_x                     "before"
hud_ammo1_align_y                     "center"
hud_ammo1_frame_color                 ""
hud_ammo1_item_opacity                "0.1"
hud_ammo1_order                       "1084"
hud_ammo1_place                       "ammo2"
hud_ammo1_scale                       "0.5"
hud_ammo1_show                        "1"
hud_ammo2_align                       "center"
hud_ammo2_align_x                     "left"
hud_ammo2_align_y                     "before"
hud_ammo2_frame_color                 ""
hud_ammo2_item_opacity                "0.4"
hud_ammo2_order                       "1083"
hud_ammo2_place                       "health"
hud_ammo2_pos_x                       "146"
hud_ammo2_pos_y                       "24"
hud_ammo2_scale                       "0.5"
hud_ammo2_show                        "1"
hud_ammo3_align                       "center"
hud_ammo3_align_x                     "right"
hud_ammo3_align_y                     "before"
hud_ammo3_frame_color                 ""
hud_ammo3_order                       "1083"
hud_ammo3_place                       "health"
hud_ammo3_pos_x                       "259"
hud_ammo3_pos_y                       "22"
hud_ammo3_scale                       "1.3"
hud_ammo3_show                        "1"
hud_ammo4_align                       "center"
hud_ammo4_align_y                     "center"
hud_ammo4_frame_color                 ""
hud_ammo4_order                       "1084"
hud_ammo4_pos_x                       "33"
hud_ammo4_pos_y                       "0.733308"
hud_ammo4_scale                       "1.3"
hud_ammo4_show                        "1"
hud_ammo_align_x                      "before"
hud_ammo_align_y                      "bottom"
hud_ammo_digits                       "2"
hud_ammo_frame_color                  ""
hud_ammo_order                        "80"
hud_ammo_place                        "gun"
hud_ammo_pos_x                        "4"
hud_ammo_pos_y                        "4"
hud_ammo_scale                        "1.5"
hud_ammo_show                         "0"
hud_armor_align_x                     "after"
hud_armor_frame_color                 ""
hud_armor_item_opacity                "1"
hud_armor_order                       "2222"
hud_armor_place                       "iarmor"
hud_armor_pos_x                       "0"
hud_armor_pos_y                       "4"
hud_armor_scale                       "1.5"
hud_armordamage_frame_color           ""
hud_armordamage_order                 "2223"
hud_bar_armor_order                   "2223"
hud_bar_health_order                  "1083"
hud_clock_align_x                     "center"
hud_clock_align_y                     "after"
hud_clock_format                      "1"
hud_clock_frame_color                 ""
hud_clock_order                       "9"
hud_clock_place                       "gameclock"
hud_clock_pos_x                       "632"
hud_clock_pos_y                       "700.263"
hud_clock_scale                       "0.635516"
hud_clock_show                        "1"
hud_clock_style                       "1"
hud_democlock_align_x                 "after"
hud_democlock_align_y                 "top"
hud_democlock_frame_color             ""
hud_democlock_place                   "group2"
hud_democlock_pos_y                   "0"
hud_digits_trim                       "0"
hud_face_align_x                      "after"
hud_face_align_y                      "center"
hud_face_frame_color                  ""
hud_face_order                        "1083"
hud_face_place                        "health"
hud_face_scale                        "1.5"
hud_face_show                         "0"
hud_fps_align_x                       "right"
hud_fps_align_y                       "console"
hud_fps_frame_color                   ""
hud_fps_item_opacity                  "1"
hud_fps_place                         "screen"
hud_fps_pos_x                         "-2.5"
hud_fps_pos_y                         "5.395654"
hud_frags_align_y                     "before"
hud_frags_cell_width                  "28"
hud_frags_cols                        "1"
hud_frags_extra_spec_info             "2"
hud_frags_frame                       "0.01"
hud_frags_frame_color                 ""
hud_frags_order                       "10"
hud_frags_place                       "fps"
hud_frags_rows                        "8"
hud_frags_teamsort                    "1"
hud_frags_vertical                    "1"
hud_gameclock_align_y                 "top"
hud_gameclock_blink                   "0"
hud_gameclock_countdown               "4"
hud_gameclock_frame_color             ""
hud_gameclock_item_opacity            "0.3"
hud_gameclock_place                   "screen"
hud_gameclock_pos_x                   "-580.5"
hud_gameclock_pos_y                   "1.799123"
hud_gameclock_scale                   "2"
hud_group1_align_x                    "center"
hud_group1_align_y                    "bottom"
hud_group1_frame                      "0"
hud_group1_frame_color                ""
hud_group1_height                     "48"
hud_group1_pos_y                      "-12"
hud_group1_width                      "102"
hud_group2_align_x                    "left"
hud_group2_align_y                    "bottom"
hud_group2_frame                      "0"
hud_group2_frame_color                ""
hud_group2_height                     "31"
hud_group2_width                      "120"
hud_group3_align_x                    "left"
hud_group3_frame                      "0"
hud_group3_frame_color                ""
hud_group3_height                     "34"
hud_group3_name                       "zbrane"
hud_group3_width                      "400"
hud_group4_align_y                    "before"
hud_group4_frame                      "0"
hud_group4_frame_color                ""
hud_group4_height                     "25"
hud_group4_order                      "1"
hud_group4_place                      "mp3_title"
hud_group4_width                      "51"
hud_group5_align_x                    "right"
hud_group5_align_y                    "bottom"
hud_group5_frame                      "0"
hud_group5_frame_color                ""
hud_group5_height                     "24"
hud_group5_width                      "196"
hud_group6_align_x                    "left"
hud_group6_align_y                    "top"
hud_group6_frame                      "0"
hud_group6_frame_color                ""
hud_group7_align_y                    "top"
hud_group7_frame                      "0"
hud_group7_frame_color                ""
hud_group8_align_x                    "left"
hud_group8_align_y                    "top"
hud_group8_frame                      "0"
hud_group8_frame_color                ""
hud_group9_align_x                    "left"
hud_group9_align_y                    "top"
hud_group9_frame_color                ""
hud_gun2_align_x                      "center"
hud_gun2_align_y                      "after"
hud_gun2_frame_color                  ""
hud_gun2_order                        "1085"
hud_gun2_place                        "ammo1"
hud_gun2_show                         "0"
hud_gun2_style                        "1"
hud_gun3_align_x                      "center"
hud_gun3_align_y                      "before"
hud_gun3_frame_color                  ""
hud_gun3_order                        "1085"
hud_gun3_place                        "ammo1"
hud_gun3_scale                        "1.5"
hud_gun3_style                        "1"
hud_gun4_align_x                      "center"
hud_gun4_align_y                      "after"
hud_gun4_frame_color                  ""
hud_gun4_order                        "1084"
hud_gun4_place                        "ammo2"
hud_gun4_style                        "1"
hud_gun5_align_x                      "center"
hud_gun5_align_y                      "before"
hud_gun5_frame_color                  ""
hud_gun5_order                        "1084"
hud_gun5_place                        "ammo2"
hud_gun5_scale                        "1.5"
hud_gun5_style                        "1"
hud_gun6_align_x                      "center"
hud_gun6_align_y                      "after"
hud_gun6_frame_color                  ""
hud_gun6_order                        "1084"
hud_gun6_place                        "ammo3"
hud_gun6_pos_y                        "-2"
hud_gun6_scale                        "1.5"
hud_gun6_style                        "1"
hud_gun7_align_x                      "center"
hud_gun7_align_y                      "before"
hud_gun7_frame_color                  ""
hud_gun7_order                        "1084"
hud_gun7_place                        "ammo3"
hud_gun7_pos_y                        "6"
hud_gun7_scale                        "2.3"
hud_gun8_align_x                      "center"
hud_gun8_align_y                      "before"
hud_gun8_frame_color                  ""
hud_gun8_order                        "1085"
hud_gun8_place                        "ammo4"
hud_gun8_pos_x                        "1"
hud_gun8_pos_y                        "6.533335"
hud_gun8_scale                        "2.144965"
hud_gun_align_x                       "right"
hud_gun_frame_color                   ""
hud_gun_order                         "79"
hud_gun_place                         "screen"
hud_gun_scale                         "1.5"
hud_health_align_x                    "center"
hud_health_align_y                    "bottom"
hud_health_frame_color                ""
hud_health_order                      "1082"
hud_health_place                      "screen"
hud_health_pos_x                      "-50"
hud_health_pos_y                      "4"
hud_health_scale                      "1.5"
hud_healthdamage_frame_color          ""
hud_healthdamage_order                "1083"
hud_iammo1_frame_color                ""
hud_iammo1_place                      "screen"
hud_iammo2_align_x                    "left"
hud_iammo2_frame_color                ""
hud_iammo2_order                      "1"
hud_iammo2_place                      "screen"
hud_iammo3_align_x                    "left"
hud_iammo3_frame_color                ""
hud_iammo3_order                      "2"
hud_iammo3_place                      "screen"
hud_iammo4_align_x                    "left"
hud_iammo4_frame_color                ""
hud_iammo4_order                      "3"
hud_iammo4_place                      "screen"
hud_iammo_align_x                     "right"
hud_iammo_align_y                     "bottom"
hud_iammo_frame                       "1"
hud_iammo_item_opacity                "1"
hud_iammo_order                       "81"
hud_iammo_place                       "screen"
hud_iammo_show                        "0"
hud_iarmor_align_x                    "left"
hud_iarmor_align_y                    "bottom"
hud_iarmor_frame_color                ""
hud_iarmor_order                      "2221"
hud_iarmor_place                      "screen"
hud_iarmor_pos_x                      "372.5"
hud_iarmor_pos_y                      "-0.00032"
hud_iarmor_scale                      "1.5"
hud_key1_align_x                      "center"
hud_key1_align_y                      "before"
hud_key1_frame_color                  ""
hud_key1_order                        "1"
hud_key1_place                        "group2"
hud_key1_pos_x                        "-6"
hud_key1_pos_y                        "0"
hud_key1_scale                        "0.8"
hud_key2_align_x                      "after"
hud_key2_align_y                      "center"
hud_key2_frame_color                  ""
hud_key2_order                        "2"
hud_key2_scale                        "0.8"
hud_keys_frame_color                  ""
hud_net_frame_color                   ""
hud_netgraph_align_x                  "before"
hud_netgraph_align_y                  "top"
hud_netgraph_alpha                    "0.1"
hud_netgraph_frame                    "1"
hud_netgraph_frame_color              ""
hud_netgraph_height                   "8"
hud_netgraph_order                    "10"
hud_netgraph_place                    "fps"
hud_netgraph_ploss                    "0"
hud_netgraph_scale                    "32"
hud_netgraph_width                    "51"
hud_notify_frame_color                ""
hud_ownfrags_frame_color              ""
hud_ownfrags_show                     "0"
hud_pent_align_x                      "after"
hud_pent_align_y                      "center"
hud_pent_frame_color                  ""
hud_pent_order                        "4"
hud_pent_place                        "group2"
hud_pent_show                         "0"
hud_pent_style                        "1"
hud_ping_align_x                      "before"
hud_ping_align_y                      "center"
hud_ping_blink                        "0"
hud_ping_frame_color                  ""
hud_ping_order                        "10"
hud_ping_place                        "fps"
hud_ping_pos_x                        "-10"
hud_ping_show_dev                     "1"
hud_quad_align_x                      "after"
hud_quad_align_y                      "center"
hud_quad_frame_color                  ""
hud_quad_order                        "6"
hud_quad_place                        "group2"
hud_quad_show                         "0"
hud_quad_style                        "1"
hud_radar_frame_color                 ""
hud_radar_highlight_color             ""
hud_radar_order                       "79"
hud_radar_place                       "screen"
hud_radar_pos_y                       "-40"
hud_ring_align_x                      "after"
hud_ring_align_y                      "center"
hud_ring_frame_color                  ""
hud_ring_order                        "3"
hud_ring_place                        "group2"
hud_ring_show                         "0"
hud_ring_style                        "1"
hud_score_difference_order            "2"
hud_score_enemy_order                 "1"
hud_score_position_order              "3"
hud_sigil1_align_x                    "after"
hud_sigil1_align_y                    "bottom"
hud_sigil1_frame_color                ""
hud_sigil1_order                      "1"
hud_sigil1_place                      "group2"
hud_sigil1_scale                      "0.5"
hud_sigil1_show                       "1"
hud_sigil2_frame_color                ""
hud_sigil2_order                      "2"
hud_sigil2_scale                      "0.5"
hud_sigil2_show                       "1"
hud_sigil3_frame_color                ""
hud_sigil3_order                      "3"
hud_sigil3_scale                      "0.5"
hud_sigil3_show                       "1"
hud_sigil4_align_y                    "center"
hud_sigil4_frame_color                ""
hud_sigil4_order                      "4"
hud_sigil4_scale                      "0.5"
hud_sigil4_show                       "1"
hud_speed2_frame_color                ""
hud_speed_align_y                     "after"
hud_speed_frame                       "0.3"
hud_speed_frame_color                 ""
hud_speed_place                       "teamholdbar"
hud_speed_pos_y                       "0"
hud_suit_frame_color                  ""
hud_suit_order                        "5"
hud_suit_show                         "0"
hud_teamfrags_align_y                 "after"
hud_teamfrags_cell_width              "44"
hud_teamfrags_colors_alpha            "0"
hud_teamfrags_cols                    "1"
hud_teamfrags_frame_color             ""
hud_teamfrags_order                   "10"
hud_teamfrags_place                   "clock"
hud_teamfrags_pos_x                   "24"
hud_teamfrags_pos_y                   "-309.33252"
hud_teamfrags_rows                    "2"
hud_teamfrags_scale                   "1.062505"
hud_teamfrags_space_x                 "0"
hud_teamfrags_vertical                "1"
hud_teamholdbar_align_x               "center"
hud_teamholdbar_align_y               "after"
hud_teamholdbar_frame                 "0.3"
hud_teamholdbar_frame_color           ""
hud_teamholdbar_height                "7"
hud_teamholdbar_order                 "1"
hud_teamholdbar_place                 "group3"
hud_teamholdbar_pos_x                 "-2"
hud_teamholdbar_width                 "388"
hud_teamholdinfo_frame_color          ""
hud_tp_need                           "1"
hud_tracking_format                   "pov: %t %n"
hud_tracking_frame_color              ""
hud_tracking_order                    "24"
hud_tracking_place                    "group1"
hud_tracking_pos_y                    "-12"
hud_vidlag_frame_color                ""

//Player Settings
gender                                "m"
b_switch                              "2"
w_switch                              "2"
bottomcolor                           "-1"
topcolor                              "-1"
name                                  "RuSS"
rate                                  "50000"
skin                                  "player_base"
team                                  "coop"

//Teamplay Communications
tp_weapon_order                       "78653241"

//Skin Settings
teamskin                              "2_red"
enemyskin                             "2_green"
enemybottomcolor                      "12"
enemytopcolor                         "12"
teambottomcolor                       "4"
teamtopcolor                          "4"
enemyforceskins                       ""
noskins                               "2"

//Console Settings
con_funchars_mode                     "1"
con_notifylines                       "5"
con_notifytime                        "4"
gl_alphafont                          "0"
gl_smoothfont                         "0"
log_dir                               "qw/logs"

//Chat Settings
cl_fakename                           "RuSS"
ignore_flood                          "2"

//FPS and EyeCandy Settings
cl_deadbodyFilter                     "2"
cl_fakeshaft                          "1"
cl_gibFilter                          "1"
cl_maxfps                             "1001"
cl_muzzleflash                        "0"
cl_physfps                            "77"
cl_physfps_spectator                  "0"
cl_r2g                                "1"
gl_powerupshells_size                 "2"
gl_simpleitems_size                   "10"
r_drawflame                           "0"
r_explosionLight                      "0"
r_grenadeTrail                        "0"
r_powerupGlow                         "2"
r_rocketLight                         "0"
r_rocketTrail                         "0"
r_telesplash                          "0"

//Particle Effects
gl_part_lavasplash                    "1"
gl_particle_blobs                     "0.1"
gl_particle_blood                     "1"
gl_particle_fasttrails                "1"
gl_particle_fire                      "1"
gl_particle_spikes_type               "0"
gl_particle_style                     "1"
gl_particle_trail_length              "0"
gl_particle_trail_time                "0"
gl_particle_trail_width               "0"
gl_solidparticles                     "1"

gl_colorlights                        "0"
gl_coronas                            "1"
gl_lighting_colour                    "1"
gl_lighting_vertex                    "1"
r_dynamic                             "0"

//Turbulency and Sky Settings
gl_turb_trails                        "1"
gl_turbfog                            "2"
r_fastsky                             "1"
r_skycolor                            "0 0 0"
r_watercolor                          "0 0 0"

//Weapon View Model Settings
cl_bobcycle                           "0"
cl_bobup                              "0"
r_drawviewmodel                       "0"
r_viewmodelSize                       "0.1"
r_viewmodeloffset                     "0"

//Texture Settings
gl_anisotropy                         "0"
gl_custom_grenade_color               "255 255 255"
gl_custom_lg_color                    "0 0 0"
gl_custom_rocket_color                "255 255 255"
gl_custom_spike_color                 "255 255 255"
gl_max_size                           "2048"
gl_texturemode                        "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST"
gl_texturemode2d                      "gl_linear_mipmap_linear"
r_floorcolor                          "100 20 30"
r_wallcolor                           "192 100 20"

//Config Management
cfg_legacy_exec                       "0"
cfg_save_sysinfo                      "1"

//OpenGL Rendering
gl_buildingsparks                     "1"
gl_cutf_tesla_effect                  "1"
gl_detpacklights                      "1"
gl_extratrails                        "1"
gl_nailtrail                          "1"

//System Settings
sys_yieldcpu                          "1"

//Video Settings
vid_conheight                         "768"
vid_conscale                          "2"
vid_conwidth                          "1280"
vid_displayfrequency                  "144"
vid_height                            "768"
vid_width                             "1024"

//Sound Settings
bgmvolume                             "0.5"
cl_staticSounds                       "0"
s_ambientlevel                        "0"
s_khz                                 "44"
volume                                "0.2"

//Input - Keyboard
allow_scripts                         "0"
cl_backspeed                          "320"
cl_forwardspeed                       "320"
cl_iDrive                             "1"
cl_sidespeed                          "320"
cl_upspeed                            "508"

//Input - Misc
sensitivity                           "2.43"

//Network Settings
cl_c2sImpulseBackup                   "0"
cl_crypt_rcon                         "0"
cl_pext_lagteleport                   "1"
cl_timeout                            "600"
cl_useproxy                           "1"

//Server Browser
sb_autoupdate                         "0"
sb_hideempty                          "0"
sb_inforetries                        "1"
sb_infospersec                        "200"
sb_infotimeout                        "400"
sb_pings                              "1"
sb_pingspersec                        "200"
sb_pingtimeout                        "400"

//Status Bar and Scoreboard
con_fragmessages                      "0"
scr_drawHFrags                        "3"
scr_newhud                            "1"
scr_scoreboard_fillcolored            "3"
scr_scoreboard_forcecolors            "0"

//Crosshair Settings
crosshair                             "7"
crosshaircolor                        "255 255 0"
crosshairsize                         "0.6"

//Screen Settings
cl_democlock_y                        "-0.01"
cl_gameclock_x                        "22.4"
cl_gameclock_y                        "31.3"
cl_onload                             "console; clear"
gl_contrast                           "1.1"
gl_gamma                              "0.6"
r_tracker_flags                       "1"
r_tracker_frags                       "2"
r_tracker_time                        "6"
scr_autoid                            "2"
scr_menualpha                         "0"
scr_teaminfo_frame_color              "0 0 0 40"
scr_teaminfo_loc_width                "7"
scr_teaminfo_scale                    "0.8"
show_fps                              "1"

//Screen & Powerup Blends
cl_demoplay_flash                     "1"
gl_polyblend                          "0"
v_contentblend                        "1"
v_damagecshift                        "0"
v_pentcshift                          "1"
v_quadcshift                          "1"
v_ringcshift                          "1"
v_suitcshift                          "1"

//View Settings
cl_rollangle                          "2.0"
default_fov                           "120"
fov                                   "120"
v_kickpitch                           "0"
v_kickroll                            "0"
v_kicktime                            "0"
v_viewheight                          "-6"

//Match Tools
match_auto_logconsole                 "2"
match_auto_minlength                  "90"
match_format_2on2                     "2on2/%M/%y-%m-%d_%b_[%M]"
match_format_3on3                     "3on3/%y-%m-%d_%b_[%M]"
match_format_4on4                     "4on4/%y-%m-%d_%b_[%M]"
match_format_arena                    "arena/%y-%m-%d_%p(%C)_[%M]"
match_format_coop                     "solo/%y-%m-%d_%k"
match_format_duel                     "1on1/%M/%y-%m-%d_%p_vs_%e_[%M]"
match_format_ffa                      "ffa/%M/%y-%m-%d_%p(%C)_[%M]"
match_format_race                     "race/%y-%m-%d_%p(%C)_[%M]"
match_format_solo                     "solo/%y-%m-%d_%p"
match_format_tdm                      "tdm/%y-%m-%d_(%a)_%b_[%M]"
match_format_tf_clanwar               "tf_clanwar/%y-%m-%d_(%a)_%b_[%M]"
match_format_tf_duel                  "tf_duel/%y-%m-%d_%t_vs_%e_[%M]"
match_name_on                         "off"

//Demo Handling
demo_autotrack                        "1"
demo_capture_dir                      "qw/capture"
demo_dir                              "qw/demos"
qizmo_dir                             "qw/qizmo"
qwdtools_dir                          "qw/qwdtools"

//Screenshot Settings
image_png_compression_level           "2"
scr_allowsnap                         "0"
sshot_dir                             "qw/screenshots"

//Item Names
tp_name_gl                            "{&c2aagl&cfff}"
tp_name_rl                            "{&c2aarl&cfff}"
tp_name_armortype_ga                  "{&c0b0ga&cfff}"
tp_name_armortype_ya                  "{&cff0ya&cfff}"
tp_name_armortype_ra                  "{&cf00ra&cfff}"
tp_name_someplace                     " "
tp_name_separator                     "$x20"

//Item Need Amounts
tp_need_ga                            "70"
tp_need_ya                            "70"
tp_need_ra                            "70"
tp_need_cells                         "7"
tp_need_health                        "40"

//Unsorted Variables
deathmatch                            ""
fraglimit                             ""
hostname                              "Frogbot Clan Arena"
maxclients                            "1"
pm_ktjump                             "0.5"
samelevel                             "8393473"
skill                                 "2"
sv_cheats                             "1"
sv_progsname                          "spprogs"
teamplay                              ""
timelimit                             ""
watervis                              ""

//User Created Variables
set g_qwshotgun                      "0"
set loc_name_ga                      "ga"
set loc_name_mh                      "mega"
set loc_name_ra                      "ra"
set loc_name_separator               "$."
set loc_name_ya                      "ya"
set nick                             "rkl"

//                                                                                                //
//                                S E L E C T E D   S O U R C E S                                 //
//                                                                                                //

sb_sourcemark ""
sb_sourcemark "Asgaard"
sb_sourcemark "Global"

//                                                                                                //
//                                         A L I A S E S                                          //
//                                                                                                //

alias +axe                    "weapon 1; +attack"
alias -axe                    "-attack"
alias +gl                     "weapon 6 5 2 1; +attack"
alias -gl                     "-attack"
alias +lg                     "weapon 8 5 3 2 1; +attack"
alias -lg                     "-attack"
alias +rjump                  "weapon 7 2 1; +jump; +attack"
alias -rjump                  "-jump; -attack"
alias +rl                     "weapon 7 2 1; +attack"
alias -rl                     "-attack"
alias +safewep                "weapon 3 5 2 1; +attack"
alias -safewep                "-attack"
alias +sg                     "weapon 2 1; +attack"
alias -sg                     "-attack"
alias +sng                    "weapon 5 4 3 2 1; +attack"
alias -sng                    "-attack"
alias +ssg                    "weapon 3 2 1; +attack"
alias -ssg                    "-attack"

alias .coming                 "say_team $\$nick: coming $[{%l}$]"
alias .enemy_location         "say_team $\$nick: $tp_name_enemy slipped $[{%l}$]"
alias .enemy_location_dm2     "say_team $\$nick: $tp_name_enemy $tp_name_at $[{big}$]"
alias .enemy_location_dm2_2   "say_team $\$nick: $tp_name_enemy $tp_name_at $[{high}$]"
alias .enemy_location_dm2_3   "say_team $\$nick: $tp_name_enemy $tp_name_at $[{secret}$]"
alias .enemy_location_dm3     "say_team $\$nick: $tp_name_enemy $tp_name_at $[{window}$]"
alias .enemy_location_dm3_2   "say_team $\$nick: $tp_name_enemy $tp_name_at $[{sng}$]"
alias .enemy_location_dm3_3   "say_team $\$nick: $tp_name_enemy $tp_name_at $[{$loc_name_ya}$]"
alias .enemy_location_dm3_4   "say_team $\$nick: $tp_name_enemy $tp_name_at $[{lifts}$]"
alias .enemy_powerup          "say_team $\$nick: $tp_name_enemy %q"
alias .enemy_powerup_2        "say_team $\$nick: $tp_name_enemy %q $[{%d}$]"
alias .get_pent               "say_team $\$nick: get $tp_name_pent"
alias .get_quad               "say_team $\$nick: get $tp_name_quad"
alias .help                   "say_team $\$nick: {&cff0help&cfff} $[{%l}$] {&ce00e&cfff}:%E"
alias .lost                   "say_team $\$nick: {&ce00lost&cfff} $[{%d}$] {&ce00e&cfff}:%E"
alias .lost_2                 "say_team $\$nick: {&ce00lost&cfff} $weapon $[{%d}$] {&ce00e&cfff}:%E"
alias .need                   "say_team $\$nick: need %u $[{%l}$]"
alias .point                  "say_team $\$nick: %x $tp_name_at $[{%y}$]"
alias .quad_over              "say_team $\$nick: $tp_name_quad over"
alias .replace                "say_team $\$nick: replace $[{%l}$]"
alias .report_basic           "say_team $\$nick: $colored_armor/%h $[{%l}$]"
alias .report_basic_2         "say_team $\$nick: $colored_armor/%h $[{%l}$] %b"
alias .report_basic_3         "say_team $\$nick: $colored_armor/%h $[{%l}$] $tp_name_rl{&c0ffg&cfff}:$rockets/%c"
alias .report_powerup         "say_team $\$nick: $colored_short_powerups $colored_armor/%h $[{%l}$]"
alias .report_powerup_2       "say_team $\$nick: $colored_short_powerups $colored_armor/%h $[{%l}$] %b"
alias .report_powerup_3       "say_team $\$nick: $colored_short_powerups $colored_armor/%h $[{%l}$] $tp_name_rl{&c0ffg&cfff}:$rockets/%c"
alias .rl_killed              "say_team $\$nick: $tp_name_rl killed $[{%l}$]"
alias .safe                   "say_team $\$nick: {&c0b0safe&cfff} $[{%l}$] %b"
alias .safe_2                 "say_team $\$nick: {&c0b0safe&cfff} $[{%l}$] $tp_name_rl{&c0ffg&cfff}:$rockets/%c"
alias .take                   "say_team $\$nick: you take $[{%l}$]"
alias .take_2                 "say_team $\$nick: %x take $[{%l}$]"
alias .team_powerup           "say_team $\$nick: {&c0b0team&cfff} %p"
alias .team_powerup_2         "say_team $\$nick: {&c0b0team&cfff} %p;.need"
alias .took                   "say_team $\$nick: took %X $[{%Y}$]"
alias .waiting                "say_team $\$nick: waiting $[{%l}$]"
alias _coming                 ".coming"
alias _enemy_location         "if ('$mapname' == 'dm2') then _enemy_location_dm2 else _enemy_location_2"
alias _enemy_location_2       "if ('$mapname' == 'dm3') then _enemy_location_dm3"
alias _enemy_location_dm2     "if ('ra$loc_name_separatormega' isin '$location') then .enemy_location_dm2 else _enemy_location_dm2_2"
alias _enemy_location_dm2_2   "if ('tele' isin '$location') then .enemy_location_dm2_2 else _enemy_location_dm2_3"
alias _enemy_location_dm2_3   "if ('low$loc_name_separator' isin '$location') then .enemy_location_dm2_3 else .enemy_location"
alias _enemy_location_dm3     "if ('ya' isin '$location') then .enemy_location_dm3 else _enemy_location_dm3_2"
alias _enemy_location_dm3_2   "if ('ring' isin '$location' or 'ra' isin '$location' or 'lifts$loc_name_separatorbelow' isin '$location') then .enemy_location_dm3_2 else _enemy_location_dm3_3"
alias _enemy_location_dm3_3   "if ('rl' isin '$location' or 'bridge' isin '$location') then .enemy_location_dm3_3 else _enemy_location_dm3_4"
alias _enemy_location_dm3_4   "if ('pent' isin '$location') then .enemy_location_dm3_4 else .enemy_location"
alias _enemy_powerup          "if ($health <= 0) then .enemy_powerup_2 else .enemy_powerup"
alias _get_pent               ".get_pent"
alias _get_quad               ".get_quad"
alias _help                   ".help"
alias _lost                   "if ('$deathloc' != '$tp_name_someplace') then _lost_2"
alias _lost_2                 "if ('$matchtype' != '4on4') then .lost else _lost_3"
alias _lost_3                 "if ('$tp_name_rl' isin '$weapon' or '$tp_name_lg' isin '$weapon') then .lost_2 else .lost"
alias _need                   "if ('$powerups' != '$tp_name_none') then _need_2 else _need_3"
alias _need_2                 "if ('$need' != '$tp_name_nothing') then .team_powerup_2"
alias _need_3                 "if ('$need' != '$tp_name_nothing') then .need"
alias _point                  "if ('$point' != '$tp_name_nothing') then _point_2"
alias _point_2                "if ('$ledpoint' != '$tp_name_status_green') then .point"
alias _quad_over              ".quad_over"
alias _replace                ".replace"
alias _report                 "if ($health <= 0) then _lost else _report_2"
alias _report_2               "if ('$powerups' == '$tp_name_none') then _report_basic else _report_powerup"
alias _report_basic           "if ('$bestweapon' == '$tp_name_sg') then .report_basic else _report_basic_2"
alias _report_basic_2         "if ('$tp_name_rl' isin '$weapons' and '$tp_name_lg' isin '$weapons') then .report_basic_3 else .report_basic_2"
alias _report_powerup         "if ('$bestweapon' == '$tp_name_sg') then .report_powerup else _report_powerup_2"
alias _report_powerup_2       "if ('$tp_name_rl' isin '$weapons' and '$tp_name_lg' isin '$weapons') then .report_powerup_3 else .report_powerup_2"
alias _rl_killed              ".rl_killed"
alias _safe                   "if ('$tp_name_rl' isin '$weapons' and '$tp_name_lg' isin '$weapons') then .safe_2 else .safe"
alias _take                   "if ('$ledpoint' == '$tp_name_status_green') then .take_2 else .take"
alias _team_powerup           "if ('$need' == '$tp_name_nothing') then .team_powerup else .team_powerup_2"
alias _took                   "if ('$took' != '$tp_name_nothing') then _took_2"
alias _took_2                 "if ('$powerups' != '$tp_name_none') then _took_3 else .took"
alias _took_3                 "if ('$tp_name_quad' isin '$took' or '$tp_name_ring' isin '$took' or '$tp_name_pent' isin '$took') then _team_powerup else .took"
alias _waiting                ".waiting"
alias c                       "connect"
alias q                       "quit"
alias r                       "ready; skins"
alias vh4                     "cl_crossy 2.2; v_viewheight 4; crosshaircolor 255 255 0"
alias vh6                     "cl_crossy 0; v_viewheight -6; crosshaircolor 0 255 0"
alias war1                    "connect"
alias war2                    "connect"
alias war3                    "connect"
alias xsclan                  "connect"
alias xsq                     "connect"

//                                                                                                //
//                                       Q W 2 6 2   H U D                                        //
//                                                                                                //

//                                                                                                //
//                               T E A M P L A Y   C O M M A N D S                                //
//                                                                                                //

tp_pickup    powerups weapons armor mh pack cells rockets 
tp_took      powerups weapons armor mh pack cells rockets 
tp_point     powerups weapons armor players mh pack cells rockets 

filter       clear

//                                                                                                //
//                          M I S C E L L A N E O U S   C O M M A N D S                           //
//                                                                                                //

mapgroup 2fort5 2fort5r 
mapgroup mbases mbasesr 

floodprot 9 9 1


//                                                                                                //
//                                   P L U S   C O M M A N D S                                    //
//                                                                                                //


//                                                                                                //
//                                    K E Y   B I N D I N G S                                     //
//                                                                                                //

bind  TAB           "+showteamscores"
bind  ENTER         "messagemode2"
bind  ESCAPE        "togglemenu"
bind  SPACE         "+axe"
bind  +             ""
bind  ,             ""
bind  -             ""
bind  .             ""
bind  /             ""
bind  0             ""
bind  1             "say :)"
bind  2             "say Nice"
bind  3             ""
bind  4             ""
bind  5             ""
bind  6             ""
bind  7             ""
bind  8             ""
bind  9             ""
bind  =             ""
bind  \             ""
bind  ]             ""
bind  `             "toggleconsole"
bind  a             "+moveleft"
bind  b             ""
bind  c             ""
bind  d             "+moveright"
bind  e             "kill"
bind  f             ""
bind  g             "“”"
bind  n             ""
bind  r             ""
bind  s             "+back"
bind  t             "autotrack"
bind  v             ""
bind  w             "+forward"
bind  x             ""
bind  y             ""
bind  z             ""
bind  ~             "toggleconsole"
bind  BACKSPACE     ""
bind  PAUSE         ""
bind  UPARROW       ""
bind  DOWNARROW     ""
bind  LEFTARROW     ""
bind  RIGHTARROW    ""
bind  ALT           ""
bind  CTRL          ""
bind  SHIFT         ""
bind  F1            "agree"
bind  F2            "ready"
bind  F3            ""
bind  F4            ""
bind  F5            ""
bind  F6            ""
bind  F8            ""
bind  F9            ""
bind  F10           ""
bind  F11           ""
bind  F12           "screenshot"
bind  INS           ""
bind  DEL           ""
bind  PGDN          ""
bind  PGUP          ""
bind  HOME          ""
bind  END           ""
bind  KP_STAR       ""
bind  MOUSE1        "+fire weapon 7 2 1"
bind  MOUSE2        "+jump"
bind  MOUSE3        "+sng"
bind  MOUSE4        "+lg"
bind  MOUSE5        "+gl"
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