Added by: raz0
Added date: 2016-12-21
Type: Play
Engine: FodQuake OpenGL
///                                                                                              ///
///                                                                                              ///
///                         F O D Q U A K E   C O N F I G U R A T I O N                          ///
///                                                                                              ///
///                                                            ///
///                                                                                              ///
///                                                                                              ///

//                                                                                                //
//                                    C O M M A N D   L I N E                                     //
//                                                                                                //

// ./fodquake-gl +cfg_load raz0

//                                                                                                //
//                                       V A R I A B L E S                                        //
//                                                                                                //

//Only variables with non-default values are listed below.
//You can use "cfg_save_unchanged 1" to save all variables.

//Config Management
cfg_legacy_exec                   "0"

//Player Settings
topcolor                          "4"
name                              "raz0ˇ"
spectator                         "1"
team                              "˝FA˝"

//Skin Settings
teamskin                          "allblue"
enemyskin                         "allyellow"
noskins                           "2"
r_fullbrightSkins                 "1"

//Console Settings
cl_chatmode                       "1"
gl_consolefont                    "unknown1"
gl_smoothfont                     "1"

//FPS and EyeCandy Settings
cl_deadbodyFilter                 "2"
cl_gibFilter                      "1"
cl_maxfps                         "500"
cl_muzzleflash                    "0"
r_explosionLight                  "0"
r_explosionType                   "4"
r_rocketLight                     "0"

gl_flashblend                     "1"

//Water and Sky Settings
r_fastsky                         "1"

//Weapon View Model Settings
r_drawviewmodel                   "0"

//Texture Settings
gl_miptexLevel                    "3"
gl_texturemode                    "gl_nearest_mipmap_linear"

//Video Settings
vid_conheight                     "350"
vid_conwidth                      "560"

//Sound Settings
s_ambientlevel                    "0"
volume                            "0.7"

//Input - Mouse
in_grab_windowed_mouse            "0"
m_pitch                           "-0.022"
sensitivity                       "4"

//Status Bar and Scoreboard
cl_sbar                           "1"

//Crosshair Settings
crosshair                         "4"
crosshaircolor                    "0 255 255"
crosshairimage                    "supercross"
crosshairsize                     "1.5"

//Screen Settings
cl_gameclock                      "1"
cl_gameclock_x                    "31"
cl_gameclock_y                    "12"
gl_contrast                       "2"
gl_gamma                          "0.7"
show_fps                          "1"

//Screen & Powerup Blends
cl_bonusflash                     "0"

//View Settings
cl_rollangle                      "0"
fov                               "110"
v_viewheight                      "-6"

//Match Tools
match_auto_sshot                  "1"

//Item Names
tp_name_gl                        "{&c2aagl&cfff}"
tp_name_rl                        "{&c2aarl&cfff}"
tp_name_lg                        "{&c2aalg&cfff}"
tp_name_ga                        "{&c0b0ga&cfff}"
tp_name_ya                        "{&cff0ya&cfff}"
tp_name_ra                        "{&cf00ra&cfff}"
tp_name_armortype_ga              "{&c0b0ga&cfff}"
tp_name_armortype_ya              "{&cff0ya&cfff}"
tp_name_armortype_ra              "{&cf00ra&cfff}"
tp_name_rockets                   "rox"
tp_name_quad                      "{&c05fquad&cfff}"
tp_name_pent                      "{&cf00pent&cfff}"
tp_name_ring                      "{&cff0ring&cfff}"
tp_name_mh                        "{&c0a0mega&cfff}"
tp_name_backpack                  "{&cf2apack&cfff}"
tp_name_enemy                     "{&cf00enemy&cfff}"
tp_name_someplace                 " "
tp_name_separator                 "$x20"

//Item Need Amounts
tp_need_weapon                    "87"
tp_need_ga                        "70"
tp_need_ya                        "70"
tp_need_ra                        "70"
tp_need_shells                    "0"
tp_need_nails                     "0"
tp_need_cells                     "7"
tp_need_health                    "40"

//Unsorted Variables
sb_masterserver                   ""

//User Created Variables
set  loc_name_ga                  "ga"
set  loc_name_mh                  "mega"
set  loc_name_ra                  "ra"
set  loc_name_separator           "$."
set  loc_name_ya                  "ya"
set  nick                         "raz:"

//                                                                                                //
//                                         A L I A S E S                                          //
//                                                                                                //

alias +gl               "impulse 6 3 2 1;+attack"
alias -gl               "-attack;impulse 2"
alias +lg               "impulse 8 5 3 4 2 1;+attack"
alias -lg               "-attack;impulse 2"
alias +other            "impulse 5 3 4 2;+attack"
alias -other            "-attack;impulse 2"
alias +rl               "impulse 7 2 1;+attack"
alias -rl               "-attack;impulse 2"

alias _coming           "say_team $\$nick coming $[{%l}$]"
alias _epowerup         "say_team $\$nick $tp_name_enemy %q"
alias _getpent          "say_team $\$nick get $tp_name_pent"
alias _getquad          "say_team $\$nick get $tp_name_quad"
alias _help             "say_team $\$nick {&cff0HELP&cfff} $[{%l}$] $bestweapon:{$bestammo} %E"
alias _help_lost        "if $health <= 0 then _lost else _help"
alias _lost             "say_team $\$nick {&cf00LOST&cfff} $[{%d}$] %E"
alias _msgPointG        "say_team $\$nick %x at $[{%y}$]"
alias _msgPointP        "say_team $\$nick $tp_name_pented $tp_name_enemy at $[{%y}$]"
alias _msgPointQ        "say_team $\$nick $tp_name_quaded $tp_name_enemy at $[{%y}$]"
alias _msgPointQP       "say_team $\$nick $tp_name_quad $tp_name_pented $tp_name_enemy at $[{%y}$]"
alias _need             "if $need != $tp_name_nothing then _need2"
alias _need2            "say_team $\$nick need %u"
alias _nothing          ""
alias _point            "if $qt$point$qt = $qt$tp_name_nothing$qt then else if $ledpoint = $tp_name_status_red then _pointEPowerup else if $ledpoint = $tp_name_status_green then else _point2"
alias _point2           "say_team $\$nick %x at $[{%y}$]"
alias _pointEPowerup    "if $qt$tp_name_eyes$qt isin $qt$point$qt then _msgPointG else _pointEPowerup2"
alias _pointEPowerup2   "if $qt$tp_name_quaded$qt isin $qt$point$qt then _pointEQ else _pointEPowerup3"
alias _pointEPowerup3   "if $qt$tp_name_pented$qt isin $qt$point$qt then _msgPointP else _msgPointG"
alias _pointEQ          "if $qt$tp_name_pented$qt isin $qt$point$qt then _msgPointQP else _msgPointQ"
alias _quadover         "say_team $\$nick $tp_name_quad over"
alias _report           "if $qt$powerups$qt = $qt$tp_name_none$qt then _report01 else _report02"
alias _report01         "if $qt$tp_name_lg$qt isin $qt$weapons$qt then _report03 else _report07"
alias _report02         "if $qt$tp_name_lg$qt isin $qt$weapons$qt then _report04 else _report07"
alias _report03         "if $qt$bestweapon$qt = $qt$tp_name_lg$qt then _report07 else _report06"
alias _report04         "if $qt$bestweapon$qt = $qt$tp_name_lg$qt then _report07 else _report06"
alias _report05         "say_team $\$nick %A{%a}/{%h} $bestweapon:{$bestammo} $tp_name_lg:{$cells} $[{%l}$] $powerups"
alias _report06         "say_team $\$nick %A{%a}/{%h} $bestweapon:{$bestammo} $tp_name_lg:{$cells} $[{%l}$] $powerups"
alias _report07         "say_team $\$nick %A{%a}/{%h} $bestweapon:{$bestammo} $[{%l}$] $powerups"
alias _rlkilled         "say_team $\$nick $tp_name_rl killed $[{%l}$]"
alias _safe             "say_team $\$nick {&c0b0SAFE&cfff} $[{%l}$] $bestweapon:{$bestammo}"
alias _slipped          "say_team $\$nick $tp_name_enemy slipped $[{tele}$]"
alias _switch           "say_team $\$nick replace $[{%l}$]"
alias _took             "say_team $\$nick took $took $[{%Y}$]"
alias _tpowerup         "say_team $\$nick team %p"
alias f_qtv             "say .qtv error"
alias zoom_in           "sensitivity 2;fov 90;wait;fov 70;wait;fov 50;wait;fov 30;wait;fov 10;wait;fov 5;bind F11 zoom_out"
alias zoom_out          "sensitivity 4;fov 5;wait;fov 10;wait;fov 30;wait;fov 50;wait;fov 70;wait;fov 90;bind F11 zoom_in; sensitivity 3"

//                                                                                                //
//                               T E A M P L A Y   C O M M A N D S                                //
//                                                                                                //

tp_pickup    powerups armor mh lg rl gl sng ssg pack cells rockets 
tp_took      powerups armor mh lg rl gl sng ssg pack cells rockets 
tp_point     powerups armor players mh lg rl gl sng ssg pack cells rockets 

filter       clear

//                                                                                                //
//                          M I S C E L L A N E O U S   C O M M A N D S                           //
//                                                                                                //

mapgroup clear

//                                                                                                //
//                                   P L U S   C O M M A N D S                                    //
//                                                                                                //


//                                                                                                //
//                                    K E Y   B I N D I N G S                                     //
//                                                                                                //

bind  TAB           "+showscores"
bind  ENTER         "+jump"
bind  ESCAPE        "togglemenu"
bind  SPACE         "+gl"
bind  +             "sizeup"
bind  ,             "+moveleft"
bind  -             "sizedown"
bind  .             "+moveright"
bind  /             "impulse 10"
bind  0             "impulse 0"
bind  1             "_getquad"
bind  2             "_getpent"
bind  3             "impulse 3"
bind  4             "impulse 4"
bind  5             "impulse 5"
bind  6             "impulse 6"
bind  7             "impulse 7"
bind  8             "impulse 8"
bind  =             "sizeup"
bind  \             "+mlook"
bind  `             "toggleconsole"
bind  a             "_report"
bind  c             "_lost"
bind  d             "+back"
bind  e             "+forward"
bind  f             "+moveright"
bind  q             "_epowerup"
bind  r             "shownick;_point"
bind  s             "+moveleft"
bind  t             "_took"
bind  v             "_safe"
bind  w             "_coming"
bind  x             "_help"
bind  z             "_quadover"
bind  ~             "toggleconsole"
bind  CAPSLOCK      "+jump"
bind  PAUSE         "pause"
bind  UPARROW       "+forward"
bind  DOWNARROW     "+back"
bind  LEFTARROW     "+moveleft"
bind  RIGHTARROW    "+moveright"
bind  ALT           "+strafe"
bind  CTRL          "+jump"
bind  SHIFT         "+other"
bind  F1            "help"
bind  F2            "menu_save"
bind  F3            "menu_load"
bind  F4            "menu_options"
bind  F5            "menu_multiplayer"
bind  F6            "echo Quicksaving...; wait; save quick"
bind  F9            "ready"
bind  F10           "quit"
bind  F11           "toggle vid_fullscreen;vid_restart"
bind  F12           "screenshot"
bind  INS           "+klook"
bind  DEL           "+lookdown"
bind  PGDN          "+lookup"
bind  END           "centerview"
bind  MOUSE1        "+rl"
bind  MOUSE2        "+jump"
bind  MOUSE3        "+lg"
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