Ake Vader  /  5 Jun 2016, 13:24
US Summer of QuakeWorld 1on1 cup tonight
To kickstart the US scene in time for the upcoming QuakeCon showdown, Jehar has initiated a series of cups catering primarily for the American quakers. Tonight at 6pm EST (that's 12am CEST) it's time for a duel cup that will have Tastyspleen TV covering the action.

Update: Congratulations to the winner, Thump4!

Signups: Challonge
Prize pot: $50
Servers : NA KTX
IRC: #tastycast
Discord: tastyspleentv

Read original statement on ESReality
2016-06-05, 13:34
Great! Signing up!
2016-06-05, 18:56
Now with a $50 prize pool. Increasing to $100 next week.
2016-06-06, 00:12
Good stuff! Are EUs allowed to sign up? And playing on NA servers that is, of course
2016-06-06, 00:41
Too late… Most EUs missed it…
2016-06-06, 13:44
I mean for the next one of course
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