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Advanced Configuration
2008-10-01, 08:26
100 posts

Apr 2008
hiya, ive posted this before and have yet to have any successful help on this and wanted to know if it could even be done. may need help with some kind of script or something?

i use mouse2 for +forward and mouse1 for attack so cannot have autoshaft alias bound to mouse2 before anyone suggests it. basically im wanting it to autochange to rocket when i pick it up and if i dont have rocket to autochange to shaft. sounds simple enough but this cannot be done despite the commands everyone has recommended.

i use e for shaft change and r for rocket change.. please help !!!
2008-10-01, 13:10
202 posts

Dec 2006
I am not sure if i am understanding your specifications completely. Are the following statements true?

* mouse1 fires rl when you have the rl equipped
* mouse1 fires lg when you dont have rl equipped

if so, i have a special script for you mate

alias +ego_homo "if $qtrl$qt isin $weapons then weapon 7 else if $qtlg$qt isin $weapons then weapon 8;+attack"
alias -ego_homo "-attack;say i love men!"

bind mouse1 +ego_homo

no problems hope this helps
2008-10-01, 13:18
100 posts

Apr 2008
thanks povo hat you fuck stick
2008-10-01, 13:24
347 posts

Feb 2006
AFAIK the following does the same, though looks a bit simpler.

alias +ego_homo "weapon 7 8; +attack"
alias -ego_homo "-attack;say i love men!"
2008-10-01, 13:25
202 posts

Dec 2006
good call raz0
2008-10-01, 14:47
401 posts

Mar 2006
povo actually helped you.
2008-10-01, 16:00
793 posts

Feb 2006
thats why he said thanks i guess.
2008-10-02, 00:57
228 posts

Mar 2007
Where can I buy one of these "fuck sticks"?
2008-10-02, 05:52
100 posts

Apr 2008
neither work. povo's gives me rl straight away even if i pick up shaft but if i dont have rl and pick up shaft it doesnt auto change. and raz0's doesnt give me shaft if i have other weapons. how can nobody solve this simple problem? its been so long its ridiculous. cost me games cause it boomsticks when i pickup shaft rather then shafts them. please help somebody!
2008-10-02, 10:37
2059 posts

Jan 2006
krohm wrote:
[...] but if i dont have rl and pick up shaft it doesnt auto change.

Isn't this exactly what the setinfo w_switch and setinfo b_switch commands do? Most players always set them to 1 though, to avoid autoswitching weapons when picking them up. Try setting them both to 8.

setinfo w_switch = decides if to autoswitch when you pick up a weapon
setinfo b_switch = decides if to autoswitch when you get a weapon in a backpack
2008-10-02, 12:39
1435 posts

Jan 2006
krohm wrote:
im wanting it to autochange to rocket when i pick it up

w_switch 7;b_switch 7

krohm wrote:
and if i dont have rocket to autochange to shaft

2008-10-02, 16:33
401 posts

Mar 2006
"basically im wanting it to autochange to rocket when i pick it up and if i dont have rocket to autochange to shaft."

This should work.

w_switch 8
b_switch 8

And you'll have to press e if you want to select lg when you don't have rockets. Fifi, Griffin, Mortuary and Locktar can do it and 90% of Australian players too. So you shouldn't have a problem, because its just 1 button you have to push.

So for example when you spawn at ra on dm4 you'll have rl selected. You get out of tele, rocket jump to lg, grab lg and you'll have lg selected and ready to fire. Of course if you don't want that to happen you'll have to quickly change back to rl by using your rl bind. I played that way for years. Only about 1.5 years ago I started using weapon aliases.

If you're still shooting sg in fights then I think something else must be fucked in your cfg. You probably copied something from someone long time ago without knowing exactly what it does. You should delete your old cfg and start with new one. Try to use only ezquake menu this time. Should work.
2008-10-03, 12:32
100 posts

Apr 2008
so if i dont have rocket and i pickup shaft i still have to change to it. thats fcking stupid. and if i run out of shaft it wont go to rocket or if i run out of rocket it wont go to shaft.. how can this not be able to be configured...
2008-10-03, 12:52
2059 posts

Jan 2006
krohm wrote:
so if i dont have rocket and i pickup shaft i still have to change to it. thats fcking stupid.

That's not what he wrote.

krohm wrote:
or if i run out of rocket it wont go to shaft..

This is probably the only case that won't work - instead of switching to shaft (weapon 8) it might switch downwards to weapon 6 instead (i.e. Grenade Launcher). Buuut i'm not 100% sure, maybe/hopefully it always senses the best available weapon.

What you seem to be asking for is the most basic kind of configuration though, just make sure to set w_switch and b_switch to 8.

It doesn't make sense though - why would you want to automatically switch to lightning gun if you run out of rocket ammo - what if you're in liquid?
2008-10-03, 13:08
252 posts

Dec 2006
the problem is he wants it to autoswitch to lg if and only if he doesnt have rl

something like ? :

tp_took lg rl
tp_triggers 1
tp_forcetriggers 1
alias f_took "if $qtrl$qt !isin $weapons impulse 8 else impulse 7"
'on 120 ping i have beaten mortuary dirtbox and reload' (tm) mz adrenalin
'i watched sting once very boring and not good at all' (tm) mz adrenalin
[i]'i shoulda won all
2008-10-03, 17:42
100 posts

Apr 2008
foe has assisted and it now works. yay! cheers all..
2008-10-03, 17:51
312 posts

Feb 2006
i'd be real pissed off if my weapons were to change automatically when picked up in this time and age. but thats just me
2008-10-05, 01:03
252 posts

Dec 2006
mipa wrote: this time and age.

Heheh but you see krohm isn't from this age.

but if anyone is interested the code that worked was (the output of $weapons needs to be enclosed in $qt because it contains spaces):

tp_took pack rl lg
tp_triggers 1
tp_forcetriggers 1
alias f_took "if rl !isin $qt$weapons$qt impulse 8 else impulse 7"

its not perfect of course, for instance it will change to rl if you have gl selected and go to pickup lg, and unless you remove pack from tp_took it will switch to rl every time you pickup up a pack. Please people, learn to use +weapon aliases!
'on 120 ping i have beaten mortuary dirtbox and reload' (tm) mz adrenalin
'i watched sting once very boring and not good at all' (tm) mz adrenalin
[i]'i shoulda won all
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