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Maps & Textures
2006-06-23, 04:50
226 posts

Jun 2006
I have downloaded and compressed 1485 maps from quaddicted/dm and into a single .7z archive that weighs 245 megs (unpacked 1.7 gigs or so).

Is there anyone out there that would find this useful, or would like to host it? and #QWL | foogsQuakeWorld Ladder
2006-06-23, 06:34
1102 posts

Jan 2006
Did you include the readme files?
My archive is missing a lot of the original zips and thus many readmes
2006-06-23, 06:40
950 posts

Apr 2006
I would like to host it
2006-06-23, 08:42
1026 posts

Feb 2006
my gawd.. more maps?

i'm gettind tired of updating my maps collection.. people should stop making maps for a while now until i finish filtering all of them.. quake maps spam!

god damn hippies >_<
2006-06-23, 08:51
226 posts

Jun 2006
I know it's bad to distribute the maps without the original readmes and whatever, but i found it easier to sort them out and extract them this way.

I figure if you want the original zips, or the readmes you could check out's map list and go from there.

I'll upload them to a server tonight and pm people the link if they want to host or dl it. (PM me if you want it) and #QWL | foogsQuakeWorld Ladder
2006-06-26, 04:34
182 posts

Mar 2006
fenris wrote:
Is there anyone out there that would find this useful, or would like to host it?

I'd like to make screenshots of all of them and will do so if someone ever makes a conveniently available download of all of them.

A reference I made with 170 maps a year ago

And if it ever does become available, I'll zip the screenshots up in and make them available for whoever wants to do whatever with them.

(And this time I won't make the mistake of having the HUD visible in the screenshots and won't have custom textures)
Is that a roll of toothpicks in your pocket or are you just happy to see Sassa?
2006-06-27, 02:29
News Writer
2260 posts

Jan 2006
fenris wrote:
I have downloaded and compressed 1485 maps from quaddicted/dm and into a single .7z archive that weighs 245 megs (unpacked 1.7 gigs or so).

Is there anyone out there that would find this useful, or would like to host it?

there is already a thred @

try to help them there instead fenris
2006-06-27, 05:55
1102 posts

Jan 2006
You could easily provide a torrent with DHT (trackerless distributed thingie). µtorrent and Azureus (amongst others) support it. Or you could use as tracker or some open tracker like piratebay.
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