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Graphics Discussion
2010-05-16, 11:50
76 posts

Oct 2009
lining on fom as my other gfx projects (and for those, that does not look at too often)

Answers to some questions:
Q: Why is the top edge so straight, so that the would like to be sharpened under the angle?
A: I've added luma that makes quite small but nice effect on high detail of the three dimension (that there are bruises). I've tried to use angle but it appeared to look terrible and ugly.

Q: Why there is no blood?
A: Becasue. I did not created the axe with blood, but prividing good blood texture should be very easy to add expecially that I proviced the psd. Maybe within few days I will update the pack.
2010-05-16, 18:05
1754 posts

Jan 2006
Sweet! looks too fine! can't use that for killing :>
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