fodquake cfg file.
Added by: raket
Added date: 2014-04-01
Type: Play
Engine: FodQuake OpenGL
///                                                                                              ///
///                                                                                              ///
///                         F O D Q U A K E   C O N F I G U R A T I O N                          ///
///                                                                                              ///
///                                                            ///
///                                                                                              ///
///                                                                                              ///

//                                                                                                //
//                                    C O M M A N D   L I N E                                     //
//                                                                                                //

// ./fodquake-gl

//                                                                                                //
//                                       V A R I A B L E S                                        //
//                                                                                                //

//Only variables with non-default values are listed below.
//You can use "cfg_save_unchanged 1" to save all variables.

//Player Settings
b_switch                                                   "1"
w_switch                                                   "1"
bottomcolor                                                "4"
topcolor                                                   "4"
name                                                       "raket"
spectator                                                  "0"
team                                                       "red"

//Skin Settings
enemyskin                                                  "enemy"
r_fullbrightSkins                                          "1"

//FPS and EyeCandy Settings
cl_deadbodyFilter                                          "1"
cl_maxfps                                                  "159"
cl_muzzleflash                                             "0"
cl_trueLightning                                           "0.5"
r_drawflame                                                "0"
r_explosionLight                                           "0"
r_explosionType                                            "3"
r_grenadeTrail                                             "4"
r_powerupGlow                                              "2"
r_rocketTrail                                              "2"

//Particle Effects
gl_part_blood                                              "0 255 0"

gl_flashblend                                              "-0"

//Water and Sky Settings
r_fastsky                                                  "1"
r_fastturb                                                 "1"

//Weapon View Model Settings
cl_bob                                                     "0"
r_drawviewmodel                                            "0"

//Texture Settings
gl_externalTextures_bmodels                                "0"
gl_externalTextures_world                                  "0"
gl_miptexLevel                                             "3"
gl_scaleModelTextures                                      "1"
gl_scaleTurbTextures                                       "0"
gl_texturemode                                             "gl_nearest"

//Video Settings
vid_conheight                                              "240"
vid_conwidth                                               "320"
vid_height                                                 "400"
vid_mode                                                   "xrandr:640,480,160"
vid_width                                                  "720"

//Sound Settings
volume                                                     "0.54"

//Input - Mouse
m_pitch                                                    "-0.1337"
m_yaw                                                      "0.1337"
sensitivity                                                "1"

//Network Settings
net_maxfps                                                 "777"

//Crosshair Settings
crosshair                                                  "3"

//Screen Settings
cl_gameclock                                               "3"
gl_gamma                                                   "0.2"

//Screen & Powerup Blends
cl_bonusflash                                              "0"
v_contentblend                                             "0"
v_pentcshift                                               "0"
v_ringcshift                                               "0"

//View Settings
cl_rollangle                                               "0"
cl_rollspeed                                               "800"
fov                                                        "115"

//Item Names
tp_name_rl                                                 "{&c0cfrl&cfff}"
tp_name_lg                                                 "{&c0cflg&cfff}"
tp_name_ga                                                 "{&c6f0ga&cfff}"
tp_name_ya                                                 "{&cff0ya&cfff}"
tp_name_ra                                                 "{&cf00ra&cfff}"
tp_name_armortype_ga                                       "{&c393g&cfff}"
tp_name_armortype_ya                                       "{&cff0y&cfff}"
tp_name_armortype_ra                                       "{&cf00r&cfff}"
tp_name_rockets                                            "rox"
tp_name_quad                                               "{&c06fquad&cfff}"
tp_name_pent                                               "{&cf00pent&cfff}"
tp_name_ring                                               "{&cff0ring&cfff}"
tp_name_mh                                                 "{&c3f0mega&cfff}"
tp_name_health                                             "hth"
tp_name_armor                                              "amr"
tp_name_weapon                                             "wpn"
tp_name_backpack                                           "{&c0ffpack&cfff}"
tp_name_flag                                               "FLAG"
tp_name_rune1                                              "resistance"
tp_name_rune2                                              "strength"
tp_name_rune3                                              "haste"
tp_name_rune4                                              "regeneration"
tp_name_sentry                                             "sentry"
tp_name_enemy                                              "{&cf00enemy&cfff}"
tp_name_eyes                                               "{&cff0eyes&cfff}"
tp_name_quaded                                             "{&c06fquaded&cfff}"
tp_name_pented                                             "{&cf00pented&cfff}"
tp_name_someplace                                          ""
tp_name_separator                                          "$x20"

//Unsorted Variables
cl_imitate_client                                          "ezquake-1.8.2"
cl_imitate_os                                              "Linux"

//User Created Variables
set  dl                                                    "[%d]"
set  fom_aqua                                              "{&c0ff"
set  fom_at                                                "{&ce84$d&cfff}"
set  fom_attack                                            "{&cff0attack&cfff}"
set  fom_borepack                                          "{&c0ffborepack&cfff}"
set  fom_color_end                                         "&cfff}"
set  fom_coming                                            "{&cff0coming&cfff}"
set  fom_deathloc                                          "$[{%d}$]"
set  fom_deathloc_aqua                                     "{&c0ff$[%d$]&cfff}"
set  fom_deathloc_red                                      "{&cf00$[%d$]&cfff}"
set  fom_deathloc_yell                                     "{&cff0$[%d$]&cfff}"
set  fom_discharge                                         "{&cff0discharge&cfff}"
set  fom_enemy                                             "{&cf00enemy&cfff}"
set  fom_enemy-rl                                          "{&cf00enemy-rl&cfff}"
set  fom_get                                               "{get}"
set  fom_gray                                              "{&c999"
set  fom_green                                             "{&c3f0"
set  fom_green_start                                       "{&c3f0"
set  fom_help                                              "{&cff0help&cfff}"
set  fom_kahki                                             "{&ce84"
set  fom_left                                              "$[{"
set  fom_left2                                             "{&cFF0$.&cfff}"
set  fom_lg                                                "{&c0fflg&cfff}"
set  fom_loc                                               "$[{%l}$]"
set  fom_loc_aqua                                          "{&c0ff$[%l$]&cfff}"
set  fom_loc_green                                         "{&c3f0$[%l$]&cfff}"
set  fom_loc_purple                                        "{&cf3f$[%l$]&cfff}"
set  fom_loc_yellow                                        "{&cff0$[%l$]&cfff}"
set  fom_lost                                              "{&cf00lost&cfff}"
set  fom_mycolor                                           "999"
set  fom_mypack                                            "{&c0cfmy$x20pack&cfff}"
set  fom_n                                                 "{&c999rkt&cfff}"
set  fom_p                                                 "{&cf00p&cfff}"
set  fom_pack                                              "{&c0ffpack&cfff}"
set  fom_pent                                              "{&cf00pent&cfff}"
set  fom_pointloc                                          "$[{%y}$]"
set  fom_pos                                               "high"
set  fom_pt                                                "0"
set  fom_purple                                            "{&cf3f"
set  fom_q                                                 "{&c06fq&cfff}"
set  fom_quad                                              "{&c06fquad&cfff}"
set  fom_r                                                 "{&cff0r&cfff}"
set  fom_red                                               "{&cf00"
set  fom_replace                                           "{&cff0replace&cfff}"
set  fom_right                                             "}$]"
set  fom_right2                                            "{&cFF0$.&cfff}"
set  fom_ring                                              "{&cff0ring&cfff}"
set  fom_rl                                                "{&c0ffrl&cfff}"
set  fom_rlg                                               "{&c0ffrlg&cfff}"
set  fom_rlt                                               "0"
set  fom_s                                                 "$x20"
set  fom_s5                                                "$x20$x20$x20$x20$x20"
set  fom_safe                                              "{&c3f0safe&cfff}"
set  fom_slash1                                            "{&ce84/&cfff}"
set  fom_slipped                                           "{&cff0slipped&cfff}"
set  fom_status1                                           "{%a}%A{&ce84/&cfff}{&cc99%h&cfff} %b"
set  fom_status2                                           "{%a}%A{&ce84/&cfff}{&cc99%h&cfff} %b {&c0fflg&cfff}:%c"
set  fom_status3                                           "{%a}%A{&ce84/&cfff}{&cc99%h&cfff}"
set  fom_status4                                           "{%a}%A{&ce84/&cfff}{&cc99%h&cfff} cells:%c"
set  fom_sync                                              "{&cff0sync&cfff}"
set  fom_t1                                                "0"
set  fom_t2                                                "0"
set  fom_team                                              "{&c3f0team&cfff}"
set  fom_ya                                                "{&cff0ya&cfff}"
set  fom_yellow                                            "{&cff0"
set  l                                                     "$[{%l}$]"
set  loc_name_ga                                           "ga"
set  loc_name_mh                                           "mega"
set  loc_name_pent                                         "pent"
set  loc_name_quad                                         "quad"
set  loc_name_ra                                           "ra"
set  loc_name_ring                                         "ring"
set  loc_name_separator                                    "-"
set  loc_name_ya                                           "ya"
set  lost                                                  "lost"
set  nick                                                  "rkt"
set  pl                                                    "$[{%y}$]"
set  rl                                                    "rl"
set  s1                                                    "$x20"
set  safe                                                  "safe"
set  tl                                                    "$[{%Y}$]"

//                                                                                                //
//                                         A L I A S E S                                          //
//                                                                                                //

alias +gl                     "impulse 6 5  3 2; +attack"
alias -gl                     "-attack; impulse 2"
alias +lg                     "impulse 8 5 2 3; +attack"
alias -lg                     "-attack ; impulse 2"
alias +rl                     "impulse 7 3 2; +attack"
alias -rl                     "-attack; impulse 2"
alias +sg                     "impulse 2; +attack"
alias -sg                     "-attack"
alias +ssg                    "impulse 3; +attack"
alias -ssg                    "-attack; impulse 2"

alias .attack                 "say_team $\ $fom_s5 $fom_attack $fom_deathloc_yell"
alias .attacksync             "say_team $\$nick $s1 sync $l %b"
alias .attacksync2            "say_team $\$nick $s1 sync $l rl:$rockets"
alias .attacksyncpowp         "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_p sync $l"
alias .attacksyncpowpr        "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_p $fom_r sync $l"
alias .attacksyncpowq         "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q _sync $l"
alias .attacksyncpowqp        "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q $fom_p sync $l"
alias .attacksyncpowqpr       "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q $fom_p $fom_r sync $l"
alias .attacksyncpowqr        "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q $fom_r sync $l"
alias .attacksyncpowr         "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_r sync $l"
alias .attacksyncpowrlgp      "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_p sync $l rl:$rockets"
alias .attacksyncpowrlgpr     "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_p fom_r $tp_name_sync $l rl:$rockets"
alias .attacksyncpowrlgq      "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q sync $l rl:$rockets"
alias .attacksyncpowrlgqp     "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q $fom_p sync $l rl:$rockets"
alias .attacksyncpowrlgqpr    "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q $fom_p $fom_r sync $l rl:$rockets"
alias .attacksyncpowrlgqr     "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q $fom_r sync $l rl:$rockets"
alias .attacksyncpowrlgr      "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_r sync $l rl:$rockets"
alias .attacksyncpowwpnp      "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_p sync $l %b"
alias .attacksyncpowwpnpr     "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_p $fom_r sync $l %b"
alias .attacksyncpowwpnq      "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q sync $l %b"
alias .attacksyncpowwpnqp     "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q $fom_p sync $l %b"
alias .attacksyncpowwpnqpr    "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q $fom_p $fom_r sync $l %b"
alias .attacksyncpowwpnqr     "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q $fom_r sync $l %b"
alias .attacksyncpowwpnr      "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_r sync $l %b"
alias .borepack               "say_team $\ $fom_s5 $fom_borepack $fom_deathloc_aqua"
alias .coming                 "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s coming $fom_loc"
alias .coming2                "say_team $\$nick $s1 coming $l %A%a"
alias .coming_p               "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s coming $fom_loc %p"
alias .comingamrpowp          "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_p coming $l %A%a"
alias .comingamrpowpr         "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_p $fom_r coming $l %A%a"
alias .comingamrpowq          "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q coming $l %A%a"
alias .comingamrpowqp         "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q $fom_p coming $l %A%a"
alias .comingamrpowqpr        "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q $fom_p $fom_r coming $l %A%a"
alias .comingamrpowqr         "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q $fom_r coming $l %A%a"
alias .comingamrpowr          "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_r coming $l %A%a"
alias .comingpowp             "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_p coming $l"
alias .comingpowpr            "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_p $fom_r coming $l"
alias .comingpowq             "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q coming $l"
alias .comingpowqp            "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q $fom_p coming $l"
alias .comingpowqpr           "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q $fom_p $fom_r coming $l"
alias .comingpowqr            "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q $fom_r coming $l"
alias .comingpowr             "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_r coming $l"
alias .delay                  "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_yellowdelay$fom_color_end $fom_loc_yellow"
alias .discharge              "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_yellowdischarge$fom_color_end $fom_loc_yellow"
alias .enemy_big              "say_team $\$s1$x20 $R$R enemy $[{big}$]"
alias .enemy_ga               "say_team $\$s1$x20 $R$R enemy $[{ga}$]"
alias .enemy_high             "say_team $\$s1$x20 $R$R enemy $[{high}$]"
alias .enemy_lifts            "say_team $\$s1$x20 $R$R enemy $[{lifts}$]"
alias .enemy_low              "say_team $\$s1$x20 $R$R enemy $[{low}$]"
alias .enemy_mega             "say_team $\$s1$x20 $R$R enemy $[{mega}$]"
alias .enemy_pos              "say_team $\ $fom_s5 $fom_enemy-rl $fom_left$fom_pos$fom_right"
alias .enemy_powerup1         "say_team $\ $fom_s5 $fom_enemy %q"
alias .enemy_powerup2         "say_team $\ $fom_s5 $fom_enemy %q $fom_loc"
alias .enemy_ra               "say_team $\$s1$x20 $R$R enemy $[{ra}$]"
alias .enemy_ratunnel         "say_team $\$s1$x20 $R$R enemy $[{ra-tunnel}$]"
alias .enemy_secret           "say_team $\$s1$x20 $R$R enemy $[{secret}$]"
alias .enemy_slipped          "say_team $\$s1$x20 $R$R enemy $[{slipped}$]"
alias .enemy_sng              "say_team $\$s1$x20 $R$R enemy $[{sng}$]"
alias .enemy_tele             "say_team $\$s1$x20 $R$R enemy $[{tele}$]"
alias .enemy_water            "say_team $\$s1$x20 $R$R enemy $[{water}$]"
alias .enemy_ya               "say_team $\$s1$x20 $R$R enemy $[{ya}$]"
alias .enemyp                 "say_team $\$nick $s1 ENEMY %q"
alias .enemyp2                "say_team $\$nick $s1 ENEMY %q $l"
alias .enemyp3                "say_team $\$nick $s1 ENEM %q $pl"
alias .get_pent               "say_team $\ $fom_s5 $fom_get $fom_pent"
alias .get_quad               "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_get $fom_quad"
alias .get_ra                 "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_redattack ra!$fom_color_end"
alias .get_rl                 "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_get $tp_name_rl"
alias .get_tele1              "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_yellowsecure tele!$fom_color_end"
alias .get_tele2              "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_yellowsecure tele!$fom_color_end $x20$fom_green$[high$] safe!$fom_color_end"
alias .get_ya1                "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_yellowattack ya!$fom_color_end"
alias .get_ya2                "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_yellowattack ya!$fom_color_end $x20$fom_green$[window$] safe!$fom_color_end"
alias .getpent                "say_team $\$nick $s1 get pent"
alias .getquad                "say_team $\$nick $s1 get quad"
alias .help                   "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_help $fom_loc_yellow"
alias .help_lg                "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_help $fom_loc_yellow $fom_s$fom_aqualg$fom_color_end"
alias .help_rl                "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_help $fom_loc_yellow $fom_s$fom_aquarl$fom_color_end"
alias .help_rlg               "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_help $fom_loc_yellow $fom_s$fom_aquarlg$fom_color_end"
alias .kill_me_cells          "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_purplekill me $[%l$]$fom_color_end $fom_purplecells$fom_color_end$fom_purple:$cells$fom_color_end"
alias .kill_me_lg             "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_purplekill me $[%l$]$fom_color_end $fom_purplelg:$cells$fom_color_end"
alias .kill_me_rl             "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_purplekill me $[%l$]$fom_color_end $fom_purplerl:$rockets$fom_color_end"
alias .kill_me_rl_cells       "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_purplekill me $[%l$]$fom_color_end $fom_purplerl:$rockets$fom_color_end $fom_purplecls:$cells$fom_color_end"
alias .kill_me_rlg            "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_purplekill me $[%l$]$fom_color_end $fom_purplerl:$rockets$fom_color_end $fom_purplelg:$cells$fom_color_end"
alias .kill_me_rox            "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_purplekill me $[%l$]$fom_color_end $fom_purplerox$fom_color_end$fom_purple:$rockets$fom_color_end"
alias .lost                   "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_lost $fom_deathloc_red $fom_red%E$fom_color_end"
alias .lost1                  "say_team $\$nick $s1 $lost $dl %E {dropped} $weapon"
alias .lost2                  "say_team $\$nick $s1 $lost $dl %E"
alias .lost_weapon            "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_lost $fom_deathloc_red $fom_red%E$fom_color_end $fom_aquadropped$fom_color_end $weapon"
alias .low_soon               "say_team $\ $fom_s5 {low} soon!"
alias .low_soon2              "say_team $\ $fom_s5 {low} soon $x20 {ra} safe!"
alias .my_pack                "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_mypack $fom_loc"
alias .need                   "say_team $\$nick $s1 need %u $l"
alias .needp                  "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_p need %u $l"
alias .needpr                 "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_p $fom_r need %u $l"
alias .needq                  "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q need %u $l"
alias .needqp                 "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q $fom_p need %u $l"
alias .needqpr                "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q $fom_p $fom_r need %u $l"
alias .needqr                 "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q $fom_r need %u $l"
alias .needr                  "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_r need %u $l"
alias .open                   "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s open $fom_loc"
alias .pack                   "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_pack $fom_aqua$d$fom_color_end $fom_loc_aqua"
alias .penta_sen_xx           "say_team $\ $fom_s5 $fom_pent {delayed} {$fom_pt}"
alias .point                  "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s %x $fom_at $fom_pointloc"
alias .point2                 "say_team $\$nick $s1 %x $d $pl"
alias .point3                 "say_team $\$nick $s1 %x $d $pl"
alias .point_at               "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s %x $fom_at $fom_pointloc"
alias .point_eyes             "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s %x $fom_at $fom_pointloc %E"
alias .point_p                "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $tp_name_pented $tp_name_enemy $fom_at $fom_pointloc %E"
alias .point_q                "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $tp_name_quaded $tp_name_enemy $fom_at $fom_pointloc %E"
alias .point_qp               "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $tp_name_quad $tp_name_pented $tp_name_enemy $fom_at $fom_pointloc %E"
alias .point_up               "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s %x {up}"
alias .posreport              "say_team $\$nick $s1 position report $[{ra/ya}$]"
alias .posreport2             "say_team $\$nick $s1 position report $[{ya/mega}$]"
alias .posreport3             "say_team $\$nick $s1 position report $[{tele/low}$]"
alias .qout                   "say_team $\$nick $s1 {quad killed}"
alias .quad_jump              "say_team $\ $fom_s5 $fom_purplequad jump!$fom_color_end"
alias .quad_on_xx             "say_team $\ $fom_s5 $fom_quad {on} {$fom_t1$fom_t2}"
alias .quad_over              "say_team $\ $fom_s5 $fom_quad {over}"
alias .quad_tid               "say_team $\ $fom_s5 $fom_quad {time?}"
alias .quads                  "say_team $\$nick $s1 quad {status?}"
alias .replace                "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_replace $fom_loc_yellow"
alias .report                 "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status1 $fom_loc"
alias .report_cls             "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status4 $fom_loc"
alias .report_none            "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status3 $fom_loc"
alias .report_p               "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status1 $fom_loc $fom_pent"
alias .report_p_cls           "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status4 $fom_loc $fom_pent"
alias .report_p_none          "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status3 $fom_loc $fom_pent"
alias .report_p_rox           "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status3 rox:$rockets $fom_loc $fom_pent"
alias .report_q               "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status1 $fom_loc $fom_quad"
alias .report_q_cls           "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status4 $fom_loc $fom_quad"
alias .report_q_none          "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status3 $fom_loc $fom_quad"
alias .report_q_rox           "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status3 rox:$rockets $fom_loc $fom_quad"
alias .report_qp              "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status1 $fom_loc $fom_q $fom_p"
alias .report_qp_cls          "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status4 $fom_loc $fom_q $fom_p"
alias .report_qp_none         "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status3 $fom_loc $fom_q $fom_p"
alias .report_qp_rox          "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status3 rox:$rockets $fom_loc $fom_q $fom_p"
alias .report_qr              "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status1 $fom_loc $fom_ring $fom_q"
alias .report_qr_cls          "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status4 $fom_loc $fom_ring $fom_q"
alias .report_qr_none         "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status3 $fom_loc $fom_ring $fom_q"
alias .report_qr_rox          "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status3 rox:$rockets $fom_loc $fom_ring $fom_q"
alias .report_qrp             "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status1 $fom_loc $fom_ring $fom_q $fom_p"
alias .report_qrp_cls         "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status4 $fom_loc $fom_ring $fom_q $fom_p"
alias .report_qrp_none        "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status3 $fom_loc $fom_ring $fom_q $fom_p"
alias .report_qrp_rox         "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status3 rox:$rockets $fom_loc $fom_ring $fom_q $fom_p"
alias .report_r               "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status1 $fom_loc $fom_ring"
alias .report_r_cls           "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status4 $fom_loc $fom_ring"
alias .report_r_none          "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status3 $fom_loc $fom_ring"
alias .report_r_rox           "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status3 rox:$rockets $fom_loc $fom_ring"
alias .report_rlg             "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status2 $fom_loc"
alias .report_rlg_p           "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status2 $fom_loc $fom_pent"
alias .report_rlg_q           "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status2 $fom_loc $fom_q"
alias .report_rlg_qp          "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status2 $fom_loc $fom_q $fom_p"
alias .report_rlg_qr          "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status2 $fom_loc $fom_ring $fom_q"
alias .report_rlg_qrp         "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status2 $fom_loc $fom_ring $fom_q $fom_p"
alias .report_rlg_r           "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status2 $fom_loc $fom_ring"
alias .report_rlg_rp          "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status2 $fom_loc $fom_ring $fom_p"
alias .report_rox             "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status3 rox:$rockets $fom_loc"
alias .report_rp              "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status1 $fom_loc $fom_ring $fom_p"
alias .report_rp_cls          "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status4 $fom_loc $fom_ring $fom_p"
alias .report_rp_none         "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status3 $fom_loc $fom_ring $fom_p"
alias .report_rp_rox          "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_status3 rox:$rockets $fom_loc $fom_ring $fom_p"
alias .rl_dead                "say_team $\ $fom_s5 $tp_name_rl dead $fom_loc"
alias .rl_sen_xx              "say_team $\ $fom_s5 $tp_name_rl sen {$fom_rlt}"
alias .rldead                 "say_team $\$nick $s1 $rl {dead} $l"
alias .rlpack                 "say_team $\$nick $s1 packs $dl"
alias .safe                   "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_safe $fom_loc_green"
alias .safe2                  "say_team $\$nick $s1 $safe [%l] %b"
alias .safe3                  "say_team $\$nick $s1 $safe [%l]"
alias .safe_lg                "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_safe $fom_loc_green $fom_s$fom_aqualg$fom_color_end"
alias .safe_rl                "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_safe $fom_loc_green $fom_s$fom_aquarl$fom_color_end"
alias .safe_rlg               "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_safe $fom_loc_green $fom_s$fom_aquarlg$fom_color_end"
alias .safepowrlgp            "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_p $safe [%l] rlg:$rockets"
alias .safepowrlgpr           "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_p $fom_r $safe [%l] rlg:$rockets"
alias .safepowrlgq            "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q $safe [%l] rlg&:$rockets"
alias .safepowrlgqp           "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q $fom_p $safe [%l] rlg:$rockets"
alias .safepowrlgqpr          "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q $fom_p $fom_r $safe [%l]rlg:$rockets"
alias .safepowrlgqr           "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q $fom_r $safe [%l]rlg:$rockets"
alias .safepowrlgr            "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_r $safe [%l] rlg:$rockets"
alias .safepowwpnp            "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_p $safe [%l] %b"
alias .safepowwpnpr           "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_p $fom_r $safe [%l] %b"
alias .safepowwpnq            "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q $safe [%l] %b"
alias .safepowwpnqp           "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q $fom_p $safe [%l] %b"
alias .safepowwpnqpr          "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q $fom_p $fom_r $safe [%l] %b"
alias .safepowwpnqr           "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q $fom_r $safe [%l] %b"
alias .safepowwpnr            "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_r $safe [%l] %b"
alias .slipped                "say_team $\ $fom_s5 $fom_slipped $fom_yellow$[tele$]$fom_color_end"
alias .soon                   "say_team $\$nick $s1 soon $l"
alias .soonp                  "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_p soon $l"
alias .soonpr                 "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_p $fom_r soon $l"
alias .soonq                  "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q soon $l"
alias .soonqp                 "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q $fom_p soon $l"
alias .soonqpr                "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q $fom_p $fom_r soon $l"
alias .soonqr                 "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q $fom_r soon $l"
alias .soonr                  "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_r soon $l"
alias .status_pos             "say_team $\ $fom_s5 status pos?"
alias .status_pos_p           "say_team $\ $fom_s5 status pos? %p"
alias .switch                 "say_team $\$nick $s1 switch [%l]"
alias .switchp                "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_p switch [%l]"
alias .switchpr               "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_p $fom_r switch [%l] "
alias .switchq                "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q switch [%l]"
alias .switchqp               "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q $fom_p switch [%l] "
alias .switchqpr              "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q $fom_p $fom_r switch [%l]"
alias .switchqr               "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_q $fom_r switch [%l] "
alias .switchr                "say_team $\$nick $s1 $fom_r switch [%l] "
alias .sync                   "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_sync $fom_loc_yellow"
alias .sync_lg                "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_sync $fom_loc_yellow $fom_s$fom_yellowlg$fom_color_end"
alias .sync_rl                "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_sync $fom_loc_yellow $fom_s$fom_yellowrl$fom_color_end"
alias .sync_rlg               "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_sync $fom_loc_yellow $fom_s$fom_yellowrlg$fom_color_end"
alias .take1                  "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_purpleu take$fom_color_end $fom_loc_purple"
alias .take2                  "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_purple%x take$fom_color_end $fom_loc_purple"
alias .take3                  "say_team $\$nick $s1 %x take $l"
alias .take4                  "say_team $\$nick $s1 you take $pl %x"
alias .team_powerup           "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s $fom_team %p"
alias .teamp                  "say_team $\$nick $s1 TEAM %p need %u"
alias .teamp2                 "say_team $\$nick $s1 TEAM %p"
alias .took                   "say_team $\$nick $s1 took %X $tl"
alias .took1                  "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s took $took"
alias .took2                  "say_team $\ $fom_n$fom_s took $took $fom_left$tookloc$fom_right"
alias .took_died_rl           "say_team $\$nick $s1 took $took $tl and {died}"
alias .tookrlpack             "say_team $\$nick $s1 took rl-pack $tl"
alias .trick                  "say_team $\$nick $s1 {shortcut}"
alias .weak_rl                "say_team $\ $fom_s5 weak $tp_name_rl $fom_deathloc"
alias _attack                 ".attack"
alias _attack2                "if $qt$tp_name_quad$qt isin $qt$powerups$qt then _attacksyncp else _attack3"
alias _attack3                "if $bestweapon isin $tp_name_rl|$tp_name_lg then _attacksync else .attack"
alias _attacksync             "if $tp_name_lg isin $qt$weapons$qt then _attacksync2 else _attacksync4"
alias _attacksync2            "if $cells > 14 then _attacksync3 else _attacksync4"
alias _attacksync3            "if $bestweapon = $qt$tp_name_lg$qt then _attacksync4 else _attacksync5"
alias _attacksync4            "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_none$qt then .attacksync else _attacksyncpowwpn"
alias _attacksync5            "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_none$qt then .attacksync2 else _attacksyncpowrlg"
alias _attacksyncp            "if $bestweapon isin $tp_name_sg|$tp_name_ng then _attacksyncpow else _attacksyncp1"
alias _attacksyncp1           "if $tp_name_lg isin $qt$weapons$qt then _attacksyncp2 else _attacksyncpowwpn"
alias _attacksyncp2           "if $cells > 14 then _attacksyncp3 else _attacksyncpowwpn"
alias _attacksyncp3           "if $bestweapon = $qt$tp_name_lg$qt then _attacksyncpowwpn else _attacksyncpowrlg"
alias _attacksyncpow          "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_quad$qt then .attacksyncpowq else _attacksyncpow2"
alias _attacksyncpow2         "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_pent$qt then .attacksyncpowp else _attacksyncpow3"
alias _attacksyncpow3         "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_ring$qt then .attacksyncpowr else _attacksyncpow4"
alias _attacksyncpow4         "if $qt$tp_name_quad$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .attacksyncpowpr else _attacksyncpow5"
alias _attacksyncpow5         "if $qt$tp_name_ring$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .attacksyncpowqp else _attacksyncpow6"
alias _attacksyncpow6         "if $qt$tp_name_pent$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .attacksyncpowqr else .attacksyncpowqpr"
alias _attacksyncpowrlg       "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_quad$qt then .attacksyncpowrlgq else _attacksyncpowrlg2"
alias _attacksyncpowrlg2      "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_pent$qt then .attacksyncpowrlgp else _attacksyncpowrlg3"
alias _attacksyncpowrlg3      "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_ring$qt then .attacksyncpowrlgr else _attacksyncpowrlg4"
alias _attacksyncpowrlg4      "if $qt$tp_name_quad$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .attacksyncpowrlgpr else _attacksyncpowrlg5"
alias _attacksyncpowrlg5      "if $qt$tp_name_ring$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .attacksyncpowrlgqp else _attacksyncpowrlg6"
alias _attacksyncpowrlg6      "if $qt$tp_name_pent$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .attacksyncpowrlgqr else .attacksyncpowrlgqpr"
alias _attacksyncpowwpn       "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_quad$qt then .attacksyncpowwpnq else _attacksyncpowwpn2"
alias _attacksyncpowwpn2      "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_pent$qt then .attacksyncpowwpnp else _attacksyncpowwpn3"
alias _attacksyncpowwpn3      "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_ring$qt then .attacksyncpowwpnr else _attacksyncpowwpn4"
alias _attacksyncpowwpn4      "if $qt$tp_name_quad$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .attacksyncpowwpnpr else _attacksyncpowwpn5"
alias _attacksyncpowwpn5      "if $qt$tp_name_ring$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .attacksyncpowwpnqp else _attacksyncpowwpn6"
alias _attacksyncpowwpn6      "if $qt$tp_name_pent$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .attacksyncpowwpnqr else .attacksyncpowwpnqpr"
alias _borepack               ".borepack"
alias _coming                 "if $tp_name_quad isin $powerups then .coming_p else if $tp_name_pent isin $powerups then .coming_p else if $tp_name_ring isin $powerups then .coming_p else .coming"
alias _coming1                "if $qt$powerups$qt = $qt$tp_name_none$qt then _coming2 else _comingp"
alias _coming2                "if $bestweapon != $qt$tp_name_rl$qt then _coming3 else .coming"
alias _coming3                "if $armor > 99 then .coming2 else .coming"
alias _comingamrpow           "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_quad$qt then .comingamrpowq else _comingamrpow2"
alias _comingamrpow2          "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_pent$qt then .comingamrpowp else _comingamrpow3"
alias _comingamrpow3          "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_ring$qt then .comingamrpowr else _comingamrpow4"
alias _comingamrpow4          "if $qt$tp_name_quad$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .comingamrpowpr else _comingamrpow5"
alias _comingamrpow5          "if $qt$tp_name_ring$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .comingamrpowqp else _comingamrpow6"
alias _comingamrpow6          "if $qt$tp_name_pent$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .comingamrpowqr else .comingamrpowqpr"
alias _comingp                "_comingp1"
alias _comingp1               "if $bestweapon != $qt$tp_name_rl$qt then _comingp2 else _comingpow"
alias _comingp2               "if $armor > 99 then _comingamrpow else _comingpow"
alias _comingpow              "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_quad$qt then .comingpowq else _comingpow2"
alias _comingpow2             "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_pent$qt then .comingpowp else _comingpow3"
alias _comingpow3             "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_ring$qt then .comingpowr else _comingpow4"
alias _comingpow4             "if $qt$tp_name_quad$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .comingpowpr else _comingpow5"
alias _comingpow5             "if $qt$tp_name_ring$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .comingpowqp else _comingpow6"
alias _comingpow6             "if $qt$tp_name_pent$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .comingpowqr else .comingpowqpr"
alias _enemy_lift             "set fom_pos lift;.enemy_pos"
alias _enemy_pos1             "if $mapname = dm3 then set fom_pos ra else if $mapname = dm2 then set fom_pos tele else if $mapname = e1m2 then set fom_pos ya else if $mapname = cmt3 then set fom_pos ra else if $mapname = cmt4 then set fom_pos ya;.enemy_pos"
alias _enemy_pos2             "if $mapname = dm3 then set fom_pos ya else if $mapname = dm2 then set fom_pos secret else if $mapname = e1m2 then set fom_pos gl else if $mapname = cmt3 then set fom_pos ya else if $mapname = cmt4 then set fom_pos ra;.enemy_pos"
alias _enemy_pos3             "if $mapname = dm3 then set fom_pos sng else if $mapname = dm2 then set fom_pos high else if $mapname = e1m2 then set fom_pos mega else if $mapname = cmt3 then set fom_pos rl else if $mapname = cmt4 then set fom_pos lg;.enemy_pos"
alias _enemy_pos4             "if $mapname = dm3 then set fom_pos ra-tunnel else if $mapname = dm2 then set fom_pos low else if $mapname = e1m2 then set fom_pos ga else if $mapname = cmt3 then set fom_pos lg else if $mapname = cmt4 then set fom_pos pent;.enemy_pos"
alias _enemy_powerup          "if $health < 1 then .enemy_powerup2 else .enemy_powerup1"
alias _enemy_ratunnel-trick   "if $mapname = $qtdm3$qt then .enemy_ratunnel else .trick"
alias _enemyp                 "if $health < 1 then _enemyp2 else .enemyp"
alias _enemyp2                "if $ledpoint = $tp_name_status_red then .enemyp3 else .enemyp2"
alias _get_pent               "if $fom_pt = 0 then .get_pent else .penta_sen_xx"
alias _get_quad               ".get_quad"
alias _get_ra                 "if $mapname = dm2 then _get_tele else if $mapname = e1m2 then .get_ya1 else .get_ra"
alias _get_tele               "if high isin $location then .get_tele2 else if floating isin $location then .get_tele2 else if quad isin $location then .get_tele2 else if gl isin $location then .get_tele2 else .get_tele1"
alias _get_ya                 "if $mapname = dm2 then _low_soon else if $mapname = e1m2 then .get_rl else _get_ya2"
alias _get_ya2                "if $mapname = dm3 then _get_ya3 else .get_ya1"
alias _get_ya3                "if window isin $location then .get_ya2 else .get_ya1"
alias _getpent                "if $qt$mapname$qt = $qtdm2$qt then .enemy_slipped else if $qt$mapname$qt = $qte1m2$qt then else .getpent"
alias _getquad                "if $qt$tp_name_quad$qt isin $qt$powerups$qt then else .getquad"
alias _help                   "if $health < 1 then _lost else _help2"
alias _help2                  "if $tp_name_lg$tp_name_separator$tp_name_rl isin $weapons then .help_rlg else _help3"
alias _help3                  "if $tp_name_rl isin $weapons then .help_rl else _help4"
alias _help4                  "if $tp_name_lg isin $weapons then .help_lg else .help"
alias _help_trick_dm2         "if $qt$tp_name_quad-low$qt isin $location then .trick else if $qtquad-button$qt isin $location then .trick else .help"
alias _help_trick_maps        "if $mapname = $qtdm2$qt then _help_trick_dm2 else .help"
alias _kill_me                "_kill_me_2; impulse 7 8 6 5 3 5 4"
alias _kill_me_2              "if $tp_name_rl isin $weapons then _kill_me_lg2 else if $tp_name_lg isin $weapons then .kill_me_lg else if ($cells > 0) then _kill_me_cells else _kill_me_rox"
alias _kill_me_cells          "if $cells > 0 then .kill_me_cells"
alias _kill_me_lg2            "if $tp_name_lg isin $weapons then .kill_me_rlg else if $cells > 0 then .kill_me_rl_cells else .kill_me_rl"
alias _kill_me_rox            "if (('$mapname' = 'e1m2' or '$mapname' = 'dm2') and $rockets > 0) then .kill_me_rox"
alias _kill_me_switch         "impulse 7 8 6 5 3 5 4"
alias _lost                   "if $health < 1 then _lost2 else .lost"
alias _lost2                  "if $tp_name_rl isin $weapon then .lost_weapon else if $tp_name_lg isin $weapon then .lost_weapon else .lost"
alias _low_soon               "if ra isin $location then .low_soon2 else .low_soon"
alias _need                   "if $health < 1 then _lost else _need1"
alias _need1                  "if $qt$powerups$qt = $qt$tp_name_none$qt then _need2 else _needp"
alias _need2                  "if $need = $qt$tp_name_nothing$qt then _safe else .need"
alias _needp                  "if $need = $qt$tp_name_nothing$qt then _safe else _needp2"
alias _needp2                 "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_quad$qt then .needq else _needp3"
alias _needp3                 "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_pent$qt then .needp else _needp4"
alias _needp4                 "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_ring$qt then .needr else _needp5"
alias _needp5                 "if $qt$tp_name_quad$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .needpr else _needp6"
alias _needp6                 "if $qt$tp_name_ring$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .needqp else _needp7"
alias _needp7                 "if $qt$tp_name_pent$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .needqr else .needqpr"
alias _point                  "shownick; if $qt$point$qt = $qt$tp_name_nothing$qt then else if $ledpoint = $tp_name_status_red then _point_p1 else if $ledpoint = $tp_name_status_yellow then .point else if $ledpoint = $tp_name_status_green then else .point_at"
alias _point1                 "if $qt$point$qt = $qt$tp_name_nothing$qt then else _point2x"
alias _point2x                "if $ledpoint = $tp_name_status_red then .point3 else _point5"
alias _point5                 "if $ledpoint = $tp_name_status_yellow then _point6 else .point"
alias _point6                 "if $need = $qt$tp_name_nothing$qt then .point else .point2"
alias _point_eq               "if $qt$tp_name_pented$qt isin $qt$point$qt then .point_qp else .point_q"
alias _point_p1               "if $qt$tp_name_eyes$qt isin $qt$point$qt then .point_eyes else _point_p2"
alias _point_p2               "if $qt$tp_name_quaded$qt isin $qt$point$qt then _point_eq else _point_p3"
alias _point_p3               "if $qt$tp_name_pented$qt isin $qt$point$qt then .point_p else .point_eyes"
alias _pointx                 "if $health > 1 then _point1 else if $qt$tp_name_backpack$qt isin $qt$point$qt then else _point1"
alias _posreport              "if $mapname = e1m2 then .posreport2 else if $mapname = dm2 then .posreport3 else .posreport"
alias _qout                   ".qout"
alias _quad_on_xx             ".quad_on_xx"
alias _quad_over              ".quad_over"
alias _quad_tid               ".quad_tid"
alias _quads                  ".quads"
alias _replace                ".replace"
alias _report                 "if $health < 1 then _lost else _report2"
alias _report1                "if $health < 1 then _lost else _report2"
alias _report10               "if $tp_name_pent isin $powerups then _report29 else _report38"
alias _report11               "if $tp_name_ring isin $powerups then _report35"
alias _report12               "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$qt then _report_rlg else _report13"
alias _report13               "if $tp_name_quad isin $powerups then _report14 else _report16"
alias _report14               "if $tp_name_ring isin $powerups then _report15 else _report18"
alias _report15               "if $tp_name_pent isin $powerups then _report_rlg_qrp else _report_rlg_qr"
alias _report16               "if $tp_name_pent isin $powerups then _report17 else _report19"
alias _report17               "if $tp_name_ring isin $powerups then _report_rlg_rp else _report_rlg_p"
alias _report18               "if $tp_name_pent isin $powerups then _report_rlg_qp else _report_rlg_q"
alias _report19               "if $tp_name_ring isin $powerups then _report_rlg_r"
alias _report2                "if $tp_name_lg isin $weapons then _report3 else _report4"
alias _report20               "if $bestweapon isin sg|ng then _report21 else .report"
alias _report21               "if $cells > 5 then .report_cls else _report22"
alias _report22               "if $rockets > 0 then .report_rox else .report_none"
alias _report23               "if $bestweapon isin sg|ng then _report24 else .report_qrp"
alias _report24               "if $cells > 5 then .report_qrp_cls else _report25"
alias _report25               "if $rockets > 2 then .report_qrp_rox else .report_qrp_none"
alias _report26               "if $bestweapon isin sg|ng then _report27 else .report_rp"
alias _report27               "if $cells > 5 then .report_rp_cls else _report28"
alias _report28               "if $rockets > 2 then .report_rp_rox else .report_rp_none"
alias _report29               "if $bestweapon isin sg|ng then _report30 else .report_qp"
alias _report3                "if $tp_name_rl isin $weapons then _report12 else _report4"
alias _report30               "if $cells > 5 then .report_qp_cls else _report31"
alias _report31               "if $rockets > 2 then .report_qp_rox else .report_qp_none"
alias _report32               "if $bestweapon isin sg|ng then _report33 else .report_qr"
alias _report33               "if $cells > 5 then .report_qr_cls else _report34"
alias _report34               "if $rockets > 2 then .report_qr_rox else .report_qr_none"
alias _report35               "if $bestweapon isin sg|ng then _report36 else .report_r"
alias _report36               "if $cells > 5 then .report_r_cls else _report37"
alias _report37               "if $rockets > 2 then .report_r_rox else .report_r_none"
alias _report38               "if $bestweapon isin sg|ng then _report39 else .report_q"
alias _report39               "if $cells > 5 then .report_q_cls else _report40"
alias _report4                "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$qt then _report20 else _report5"
alias _report40               "if $rockets > 0 then .report_q_rox else .report_q_none"
alias _report41               "if $bestweapon isin sg|ng then _report42 else .report_p"
alias _report42               "if $cells > 5 then .report_p_cls else _report43"
alias _report43               "if $rockets > 2 then .report_p_rox else .report_p_none"
alias _report5                "if $tp_name_quad isin $powerups then _report6 else _report8"
alias _report6                "if $tp_name_ring isin $powerups then _report7 else _report10"
alias _report7                "if $tp_name_pent isin $powerups then _report23 else _report32"
alias _report8                "if $tp_name_pent isin $powerups then _report9 else _report11"
alias _report9                "if $tp_name_ring isin $powerups then _report26 else _report41"
alias _report_rlg             ".report_rlg"
alias _report_rlg_p           ".report_rlg_p"
alias _report_rlg_q           ".report_rlg_q"
alias _report_rlg_qp          ".report_rlg_qp"
alias _report_rlg_qr          ".report_rlg_qr"
alias _report_rlg_qrp         ".report_rlg_qrp"
alias _report_rlg_r           ".report_rlg_r"
alias _report_rlg_rp          ".report_rlg_rp"
alias _rl_dead                ".rl_dead"
alias _rl_sen_xx              ".rl_sen_xx"
alias _rldead                 ".rldead"
alias _rlpack                 ".rlpack"
alias _safe                   "if $health < 1 then _lost else _safe1"
alias _safe1                  "if $health < 1 then _lost else _safe2"
alias _safe2                  "if $tp_name_lg$tp_name_separator$tp_name_rl isin $weapons then .safe_rlg else _safe3"
alias _safe3                  "if $tp_name_rl isin $weapons then .safe_rl else _safe4"
alias _safe4                  "if $tp_name_lg isin $weapons then .safe_lg else .safe"
alias _safe5                  "if $bestweapon = $qt$tp_name_lg$qt then .safe2 else .safe"
alias _safep                  "if $health < 1 then _lost else _safep2"
alias _safep2                 "if $bestweapon isin $tp_name_sg|$tp_name_ng then _report else _safep3"
alias _safep3                 "if $tp_name_lg isin $qt$weapons$qt then _safep4 else _safepowwpn"
alias _safep4                 "if $cells > 14 then _safep5 else _safepowwpn"
alias _safep5                 "if $bestweapon = $qt$tp_name_lg$qt then _safepowwpn else _safepowrlg"
alias _safepowrlg             "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_quad$qt then .safepowrlgq else _safepowrlg2"
alias _safepowrlg2            "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_pent$qt then .safepowrlgp else _safepowrlg3"
alias _safepowrlg3            "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_ring$qt then .safepowrlgr else _safepowrlg4"
alias _safepowrlg4            "if $qt$tp_name_quad$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .safepowrlgpr else _safepowrlg5"
alias _safepowrlg5            "if $qt$tp_name_ring$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .safepowrlgqp else _safepowrlg6"
alias _safepowrlg6            "if $qt$tp_name_pent$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .safepowrlgqr else .safepowrlgqpr"
alias _safepowwpn             "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_quad$qt then .safepowwpnq else _safepowwpn2"
alias _safepowwpn2            "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_pent$qt then .safepowwpnp else _safepowwpn3"
alias _safepowwpn3            "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_ring$qt then .safepowwpnr else _safepowwpn4"
alias _safepowwpn4            "if $qt$tp_name_quad$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .safepowwpnpr else _safepowwpn5"
alias _safepowwpn5            "if $qt$tp_name_ring$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .safepowwpnqp else _safepowwpn6"
alias _safepowwpn6            "if $qt$tp_name_pent$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .safepowwpnqr else .safepowwpnqpr"
alias _soon                   "if $health < 1 then _lost else _soon1"
alias _soon1                  "if $qt$powerups$qt = $qt$tp_name_none$qt then .soon else _soon2"
alias _soon2                  "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_quad$qt then .soonq else _soonp3"
alias _soonp3                 "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_pent$qt then .soonp else _soonp4"
alias _soonp4                 "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_ring$qt then .soonr else _soonp5"
alias _soonp5                 "if $qt$tp_name_quad$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .soonpr else _soonp6"
alias _soonp6                 "if $qt$tp_name_ring$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .soonqp else _soonp7"
alias _soonp7                 "if $qt$tp_name_pent$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .soonqr else .soonqpr"
alias _status_pos             "if $tp_name_quad isin $powerups then .status_pos_p else if $tp_name_pent isin $powerups then .status_pos_p else if $tp_name_ring isin $powerups then .status_pos_p else .status_pos"
alias _switch                 "if $health < 1 then _lost else _switch1"
alias _switch1                "if $qt$powerups$qt = $qt$tp_name_none$qt then .switch else _switch2"
alias _switch2                "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_quad$qt then .switchq else _switchp3"
alias _switchp3               "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_pent$qt then .switchp else _switchp4"
alias _switchp4               "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_ring$qt then .switchr else _switchp5"
alias _switchp5               "if $qt$tp_name_quad$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .switchpr else _switchp6"
alias _switchp6               "if $qt$tp_name_ring$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .switchqp else _switchp7"
alias _switchp7               "if $qt$tp_name_pent$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .switchqr else .switchqpr"
alias _sync1                  "if $health < 1 then _lost else _sync2"
alias _sync2                  "if $tp_name_lg$tp_name_separator$tp_name_rl isin $weapons then .sync_rlg else _sync3"
alias _sync3                  "if $tp_name_rl isin $weapons then .sync_rl else _sync4"
alias _sync4                  "if $tp_name_lg isin $weapons then .sync_lg else .sync"
alias _take                   "if $ledpoint = $G then .take2 else .take1"
alias _take2                  "if $qt$point$qt isin $qt$tp_name_cells$qt then .take4 else if $ledpoint = $tp_name_status_green then .take3 else .take1"
alias _teamp                  "if $need = $qt$tp_name_nothing$qt then _teamp2 else _teamp1"
alias _teamp1                 ".teamp ; .teamp"
alias _teamp2                 ".teamp2 ; .teamp2"
alias _took                   "if $health < 1 _took_died else if $took = $tp_name_nothing then else _took1"
alias _took1                  "if $took isin $powerups then .team_powerup else _took2"
alias _took2                  "if $took != nothing then _took3"
alias _took3                  "if $tookloc == someplace then .took1 else .took2"
alias _took_died              "if $took = $tp_name_rl .took_died_rl else say_team $\$nick $s1 took $took $tl and {died}"
alias _took_nopow             "if $qt$took$qt == $qt$tp_name_nothing$qt then else _took_rlpack"
alias _took_rlpack            "if $qt$took$qt == $qt$tp_name_backpack$qt then _took_rlpack2 else .took"
alias _took_rlpack2           "if $bestweapon isin $tp_name_rl then .tookrlpack else .took"
alias _trick1                 "if $health < 1 then _borepack else _trick2"
alias _trick2                 "if $tp_name_rl isin $weapons then _trick_rl else _trick_maps"
alias _trick_dm2              "if big isin $location then .quad_jump else if quad isin $location then .quad_jump else if high isin $location then .quad_jump else if secret isin $location then .quad_jump else if tele isin $location then .slipped else if low isin $location then .open else if button isin $location then .open else _sync1"
alias _trick_dm3              "if water isin $location then .discharge else if quad isin $location then .delay else if pent isin $location then .delay else if lift isin $location then .delay else _sync1"
alias _trick_maps             "if $mapname = dm2 then _trick_dm2 else if $mapname = dm3 then _trick_dm3 else _sync1"
alias _trick_rl               "if $armor > 40 then _trick_maps else if $health > 60 then _trick_maps else .my_pack"
alias _weak_rl                ".weak_rl"
alias degeneration-2          "gl_lightmode 2;gl_scaleTurbTextures 0;gl_scaleModelTextures 1;gl_texturemode gl_nearest;gl_externalTextures_bmodels 0;gl_externalTextures_world 0;gl_picmip 0;gl_miptexLevel 3;cvar_reset gl_max_size"
alias f_qtv                   "say .qtv"
alias f_spawn                 "if $mapname = dm2 then fom_dm2 else if $mapname = e1m2 then fom_e1m2 else fom_other"
alias fom_dm2                 "tp_took quad ra mh rl pack;tp_pickup quad ra mh rl pack;fom_point;fom_p_reset"
alias fom_e1m2                "tp_took quad ya ga mh rl gl sng ssg pack;tp_pickup quad ya ga mh rl gl sng ssg pack;fom_point;fom_p_reset"
alias fom_other               "tp_took powerups armor mh lg rl pack;tp_pickup powerups armor mh lg rl pack;fom_point;fom_p_reset"
alias fom_p_reset             "set fom_pt 0;set fom_rlt 0"
alias fom_point               "tp_point powerups armor players mh lg rl gl sng ssg pack rockets cells"
alias p0                      "set fom_pt 0"
alias p1                      "set fom_pt 1;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p10                     "set fom_pt 10;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p11                     "set fom_pt 11;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p12                     "set fom_pt 12;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p13                     "set fom_pt 13;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p14                     "set fom_pt 14;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p15                     "set fom_pt 15;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p16                     "set fom_pt 16;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p17                     "set fom_pt 17;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p18                     "set fom_pt 18;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p19                     "set fom_pt 19;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p2                      "set fom_pt 2;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p20                     "set fom_pt 20;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p21                     "set fom_pt 21;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p22                     "set fom_pt 22;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p23                     "set fom_pt 23;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p24                     "set fom_pt 24;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p25                     "set fom_pt 25;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p26                     "set fom_pt 26;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p27                     "set fom_pt 27;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p28                     "set fom_pt 28;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p29                     "set fom_pt 29;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p3                      "set fom_pt 3;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p30                     "set fom_pt 30;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p31                     "set fom_pt 31;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p32                     "set fom_pt 32;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p33                     "set fom_pt 33;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p34                     "set fom_pt 34;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p35                     "set fom_pt 35;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p36                     "set fom_pt 36;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p37                     "set fom_pt 37;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p38                     "set fom_pt 38;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p39                     "set fom_pt 39;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p4                      "set fom_pt 4;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p40                     "set fom_pt 40;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p41                     "set fom_pt 41;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p42                     "set fom_pt 42;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p43                     "set fom_pt 43;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p44                     "set fom_pt 44;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p45                     "set fom_pt 45;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p46                     "set fom_pt 46;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p47                     "set fom_pt 47;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p48                     "set fom_pt 48;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p49                     "set fom_pt 49;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p5                      "set fom_pt 5;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p50                     "set fom_pt 50;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p51                     "set fom_pt 51;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p52                     "set fom_pt 52;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p53                     "set fom_pt 53;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p54                     "set fom_pt 54;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p55                     "set fom_pt 55;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p56                     "set fom_pt 56;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p57                     "set fom_pt 57;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p58                     "set fom_pt 58;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p59                     "set fom_pt 59;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p6                      "set fom_pt 6;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p7                      "set fom_pt 7;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p8                      "set fom_pt 8;.penta_sen_xx"
alias p9                      "set fom_pt 9;.penta_sen_xx"
alias rl0                     "set fom_rlt 0;_rl_sen_xx"
alias rl1                     "set fom_rlt 1;_rl_sen_xx"
alias rl10                    "set fom_rlt 10;_rl_sen_xx"
alias rl11                    "set fom_rlt 11;_rl_sen_xx"
alias rl12                    "set fom_rlt 12;_rl_sen_xx"
alias rl13                    "set fom_rlt 13;_rl_sen_xx"
alias rl14                    "set fom_rlt 14;_rl_sen_xx"
alias rl15                    "set fom_rlt 15;_rl_sen_xx"
alias rl16                    "set fom_rlt 16;_rl_sen_xx"
alias rl17                    "set fom_rlt 17;_rl_sen_xx"
alias rl18                    "set fom_rlt 18;_rl_sen_xx"
alias rl19                    "set fom_rlt 19;_rl_sen_xx"
alias rl2                     "set fom_rlt 2;_rl_sen_xx"
alias rl20                    "set fom_rlt 20;_rl_sen_xx"
alias rl21                    "set fom_rlt 21;_rl_sen_xx"
alias rl22                    "set fom_rlt 22;_rl_sen_xx"
alias rl23                    "set fom_rlt 23;_rl_sen_xx"
alias rl24                    "set fom_rlt 24;_rl_sen_xx"
alias rl25                    "set fom_rlt 25;_rl_sen_xx"
alias rl26                    "set fom_rlt 26;_rl_sen_xx"
alias rl27                    "set fom_rlt 27;_rl_sen_xx"
alias rl28                    "set fom_rlt 28;_rl_sen_xx"
alias rl29                    "set fom_rlt 29;_rl_sen_xx"
alias rl3                     "set fom_rlt 3;_rl_sen_xx"
alias rl4                     "set fom_rlt 4;_rl_sen_xx"
alias rl5                     "set fom_rlt 5;_rl_sen_xx"
alias rl6                     "set fom_rlt 6;_rl_sen_xx"
alias rl7                     "set fom_rlt 7;_rl_sen_xx"
alias rl8                     "set fom_rlt 8;_rl_sen_xx"
alias rl9                     "set fom_rlt 9;_rl_sen_xx"
alias t1-0                    "set fom_t1 0;timer2"
alias t1-1                    "set fom_t1 1;timer2"
alias t1-2                    "set fom_t1 2;timer2"
alias t1-3                    "set fom_t1 3;timer2"
alias t1-4                    "set fom_t1 4;timer2"
alias t1-5                    "set fom_t1 5;timer2"
alias t1-6                    "set fom_t1 6;timer2"
alias t1-7                    "set fom_t1 7;timer2"
alias t1-8                    "set fom_t1 8;timer2"
alias t1-9                    "set fom_t1 9;timer2"
alias t2-0                    "set fom_t2 0;timer1"
alias t2-1                    "set fom_t2 1;timer1"
alias t2-2                    "set fom_t2 2;timer1"
alias t2-3                    "set fom_t2 3;timer1"
alias t2-4                    "set fom_t2 4;timer1"
alias t2-5                    "set fom_t2 5;timer1"
alias t2-6                    "set fom_t2 6;timer1"
alias t2-7                    "set fom_t2 7;timer1"
alias t2-8                    "set fom_t2 8;timer1"
alias t2-9                    "set fom_t2 9;timer1"
alias timer1                  "bind kp_0 t1-0;bind kp_1 t1-1;bind kp_2 t1-2;bind kp_3 t1-3;bind kp_4 t1-4;bind kp_5 t1-5;bind kp_6 t1-6;bind kp_7 t1-7;bind kp_8 t1-8;bind kp_9 t1-9"
alias timer2                  "bind kp_0 t2-0;bind kp_1 t2-1;bind kp_2 t2-2;bind kp_3 t2-3;bind kp_4 t2-4;bind kp_5 t2-5;bind kp_6 t2-6;bind kp_7 t2-7;bind kp_8 t2-8;bind kp_9 t2-9"
alias zoom_in                 "sensitivity 2;fov 90;wait;fov 70;wait;fov 50;wait;fov 30;wait;fov 10;wait;fov 5;bind F11 zoom_out"
alias zoom_out                "sensitivity 4;fov 5;wait;fov 10;wait;fov 30;wait;fov 50;wait;fov 70;wait;fov 90;bind F11 zoom_in; sensitivity 3"

//                                                                                                //
//                               T E A M P L A Y   C O M M A N D S                                //
//                                                                                                //

tp_pickup    powerups armor mh lg rl pack 
tp_took      powerups armor mh lg rl pack 
tp_point     powerups armor players mh lg rl gl sng ssg pack cells rockets 

filter       clear

//                                                                                                //
//                          M I S C E L L A N E O U S   C O M M A N D S                           //
//                                                                                                //

mapgroup clear

//                                                                                                //
//                                   P L U S   C O M M A N D S                                    //
//                                                                                                //


//                                                                                                //
//                                    K E Y   B I N D I N G S                                     //
//                                                                                                //

bind  TAB           "+showteamscores"
bind  ENTER         "_get_quad"
bind  ESCAPE        "togglemenu"
bind  SPACE         "+gl"
bind  '             "_getpent"
bind  +             "sizeup"
bind  ,             "+moveleft"
bind  -             "sizedown"
bind  .             "impulse 8"
bind  /             "impulse 10"
bind  0             "impulse 0"
bind  1             "_trick1"
bind  2             "_kill_me"
bind  3             "_replace"
bind  4             "_get_ra"
bind  5             "_get_ya"
bind  6             "_rldead"
bind  7             "_rlpack"
bind  8             "impulse 8"
bind  ";"             "_getquad"
bind  =             "sizeup"
bind  \             "+mlook"
bind  `             "toggleconsole"
bind  a             "+moveleft"
bind  b             "_point"
bind  c             "_enemy_lift"
bind  d             "+moveright"
bind  e             "_report1"
bind  f             "_enemy_powerup"
bind  g             "_need"
bind  h             "+moveleft"
bind  j             "+forward"
bind  k             "+back"
bind  l             "+moveright"
bind  m             "_status_pos"
bind  n             "_coming"
bind  q             "_took1"
bind  r             "_rl_dead"
bind  s             "+back"
bind  t             "_attack"
bind  v             "_borepack"
bind  w             "+forward"
bind  x             "_get_pent"
bind  y             "messagemode2"
bind  z             "_help"
bind  ~             "toggleconsole"
bind  BACKSPACE     "say proxy:menu back"
bind  CAPSLOCK      "+ssg"
bind  PAUSE         "say proxy:menu"
bind  UPARROW       "say proxy:menu up"
bind  DOWNARROW     "say proxy:menu down"
bind  LEFTARROW     "say proxy:menu left"
bind  RIGHTARROW    "say proxy:menu right"
bind  ALT           "_lost"
bind  CTRL          "_safe1"
bind  SHIFT         "+sg"
bind  F1            "_enemy_ratunnel-trick"
bind  F2            "_quad_over"
bind  F3            "_weak_rl"
bind  F4            "_take"
bind  F5            "_enemy_pos1"
bind  F6            "_enemy_pos2"
bind  F7            "_enemy_pos3"
bind  F8            "_enemy_pos4"
bind  F9            "_enemy_pos4"
bind  F10           "quit"
bind  F11           "zoom_in"
bind  F12           "screenshot"
bind  INS           "say proxy:menu help"
bind  DEL           "say proxy:menu delete"
bind  PGDN          "say proxy:menu pgdn"
bind  PGUP          "say proxy:menu pgup"
bind  HOME          "say proxy:menu home"
bind  END           "say proxy:menu end"
bind  KP_SLASH      "_quad_tid"
bind  KP_HOME       "t1-7"
bind  KP_UPARROW    "t1-8"
bind  KP_PGUP       "t1-9"
bind  KP_LEFTARROW  "t1-4"
bind  KP_5          "t1-5"
bind  KP_RIGHTARROW "t1-6"
bind  KP_END        "t1-1"
bind  KP_DOWNARROW  "t1-2"
bind  KP_PGDN       "t1-3"
bind  KP_INS        "t1-0"
bind  KP_ENTER      "_quad_on_xx"
bind  MOUSE1        "+rl"
bind  MOUSE2        "+jump"
bind  MOUSE3        "+lg"
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